
Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > Virtutea. Calitatea morală a oratorului desăvârșit

 Virtutea. Calitatea morală a oratorului desăvârșit [Virtue. The Moral Quality of the Accomplished Orator]

  • Tomi Cristin (UNATC „I.L. Caragiale”, E-mail: liviu.tomi@student.unatc.ro)

Listening to a person speak in public, observing their gestures, and hearing their voice allows us to understand them as an individual, including their personality, vocation, skills, culture, reasoning, and life experience. Persuasion is a field contested by many, and the technique of speaking is an area to which very little attention is given. We believe that any speaker should be familiar with the elements of persuasion and know exercises and techniques to improve their articulation and self-confidence. Persuasion is difficult to define. Gass and Seiter share this view in their 400-page persuasion handbook: "Defining a concept is like a fence. The purpose of a fence is to separate things, so that some remain inside, while others stay outside. Similarly, a definition includes certain elements or aspects of a concept while excluding others. The types of communication specific to persuasion depend on the size and shape of the fence built by the author" (Gass, Seiter, 2009). The article reviews the main qualities of a public speaker, highlighting the highest qualities. It also offers concrete ideas on how to structure a public speech, as well as how to manage emotions and the related stress.

Keywords: communication, public speaking, persuasion