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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2024

Mihaela Popa, Daniela Niţă

Against the backdrop of an increasingly unpredictable socio-economic and political landscape, the usual systemic and microlevel provocations faced by ... [Abstract]
Doru Buzducea, Darie Cristea, Dragoș-Georgian Ilie , Diana-Alexandra Dumitrescu
Voluntariatul, între percepție și experiență: o descriere sociologică [Volunteering, between Perception and Experience: a Sociological Description]

The article is built on the basis of a recent empirical study conducted by the authors on both the perception of volunteering and the participation in... [Abstract]
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru
The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging [The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging]

We witness the aging process of the population at global level, and Romania makes no exception. It is foreseen that, by 2050, the percentage of the ad... [Abstract]
Mirela Anghel
Communication Challenges amid Culture Dynamism [Communication Challenges amid Culture Dynamism]

The present article makes an attempt to define the term “culture” from its origins up to the present. Culture becomes the action by which an indiv... [Abstract]
Tomi Cristin
Virtutea. Calitatea morală a oratorului desăvârșit [Virtue. The Moral Quality of the Accomplished Orator]

Listening to a person speak in public, observing their gestures, and hearing their voice allows us to understand them as an individual, including thei... [Abstract]
Loredana Florentina Cătărău (Bozariu)
Experiențele asistenților sociali din prisma provocărilor și oportunităților [Social Workers’ Experiences through Challenges and Oportunities]

Social work plays an essential role in increasing life’s quality of people in need, involving challenges and opportunities for those who are working... [Abstract]
Radu Simion
Mitigating Stigma and Supporting Professionals: Strategies for Social Work in Mental Health [Mitigating Stigma and Supporting Professionals: Strategies for Social Work in Mental Health]

The stigma associated with mental illness continues to present a substantial obstacle to the well-being and social integration of affected individuals... [Abstract]
Mihaela Popa, Denisa Măjar
Factorii declanșatori în apariția depresiei postpartum [The Triggering Factors in the Occurrence of Postpartum Depression]

Postnatal depression is still a largely unknown phenomenon, even in the 21st century, for the new mother, her husband, and her family, and even more c... [Abstract]
Alexandra Daniela Țone
Trauma vicariantă în rândul practicienilor din servicii sociale [Vicarious Traumatization among Social Services Practitioners]

The main objective of this paper is to explore the implications and effect of stress arising from repeated exposure to traumatic subjects and narrativ... [Abstract]
Angelica Costea
Provocările asistenței sociale în procesul de incluziune școlară a copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale (CES) [The Challenges of Social Work in the Process of School Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)]

Currently, autism is considered by society and by government authorities to be a complex handicap. However, in the last 10 years, in Romania we were a... [Abstract]
Alina Costin
Fostering Connection: Applying Humanistic Values in Solving Mother-Daughter Conflicts. A case study [Fostering Connection: Applying Humanistic Values in Solving Mother-Daughter Conflicts. A case study ]

The issue of teenage parents is a complex one that involves multiple challenges  emotional, social, financial, and educational (Brown, Moran, 1997)... [Abstract]
Adelia Florea (Furdui), Patricia Luciana Runcan , Remus Runcan
Asistența socială în școală. Implicații, practici și nevoi în educație [Social Work in School. Implications, Practices and Needs in the Field of Education]

The introductory segment of this paper presents a synthetic analysis of the implications, practices and needs to which school social work has a respon... [Abstract]
Emanuel Adrian Sârbu , Anca-Georgiana Drăgan-Moldoveanu
The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Lives of People who Frequently Attend Religious Services of Different Christian Denominations in Romania. A Quantitative Analysis

The Covid 19 Pandemic affected people of all ages, ethnicities, cultures and social status. During the lockdown period, all of them had limited access... [Abstract]
Alina Costin
Perceived Parental Support and Aggression in Teenagers

Decades of research suggest that parental factors are among the most influential factors, although no precise factor has yet been claimed to be able ... [Abstract]
Remus Runcan
Return Migration in Romania in the 21st Century

This paper presents the status quo of return migration in Romania in the first 25 years of the 21st century. It reviews the definitions related to the... [Abstract]
Georgiana-Cristina Rentea
Book Review: Social Work Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Insights toward Innovation and Creativity

Latzer, Y., Shklarski, L. (eds.). (2024), (1st ed.). Routledge. 254 pages. The book, edited by Latzer,... [Abstract]
Bianca-Daniela Parepeanu
Book Review: Cercetare, dezvoltare și intervenție în asistență socială [Research, Development and Intervention in Social Work]

Buzducea, D. (2024), București: Tritonic. 414 pagini. ISBN: 978-606-749-757-1 Volumul coordonat de profesor dr. Doru Buzducea aduce în a... [Abstract]
Mihaela Popa
Book Review: Teorie și practică în asistența socială. Elemente introductive [Theory and Practice in Social Work. Introductory Elements]

Rentea, G-C (2023). Bucureşti: Tritonic, 168 pagini, ISBN: 978-606-749-722-9 Volumul D-nei Conf. Rentea Georgiana-Cristina aduce în lumi... [Abstract]

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