
Home > Arhiva > 2020 > Numar: 1 > Three Decades of Social Work in Romania

 Three Decades of Social Work in Romania

  • Alina Breaz (Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, No. 77th Revoluţiei Boulevard, 310130, România. E-mail: alinamariabreaz@gmail.com)

Social work has evolved positively over the last 30 years. The author tries to present a sketch of the development and evolution of social work in our country during this period (1990-2019). The evolution of the higher education of social work, the theoretical and practical editorial appearances that help to train the new specialists in the field, the new social areas in which the professionals of this specialty are involved are approached.

Keywords: social work, new areas (cyberbulling, Internet addiction, domestic violence) traditional areas (child protection, probation, persons with disabilities, adoption)