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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > Factorii declanșatori în apariția depresiei postpartum

 Factorii declanșatori în apariția depresiei postpartum [The Triggering Factors in the Occurrence of Postpartum Depression]

  • Mihaela Popa (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 5, Bucharest, E-mail:
  • Denisa Măjar (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Department of Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:

Postnatal depression is still a largely unknown phenomenon, even in the 21st century, for the new mother, her husband, and her family, and even more concerning, sometimes by medical staff who do not recognize the signs and symptoms of this condition to provide help, guidance, and support to the new mother. As a result, unfortunately, there are still mothers who, even today, face these experiences and feelings caused by the transformation of pregnancy on their own, without fully understanding what is happening to them and their bodies. This phenomenon can have significant negative effects on the child, the mother, and her family, both in the short and long term. There are numerous risk factors that can contribute to the onset of this depression; however, the primary objective of this paper is to highlight the main risk factors that have emerged from my study regarding the onset of postpartum depression and to emphasize the importance of family support to prevent or mitigate this condition as much as possible for the new mother.

Keywords: postpartum/ postnatal depression