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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging

 The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging [The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging]

  • Monica Luminiţa Alexandru (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania, phone: +40735659399, E-mail: )

We witness the aging process of the population at global level, and Romania makes no exception. It is foreseen that, by 2050, the percentage of the adult population of 65 years old or above will continue to grow until 27.7%. The study was conducted in Romania, in two regions (Bucharest-Ilfov and South-Muntenia) and it aims at analyzing the main challenges which the specialists encounter in helping the elders to efficiently deal with active aging. The qualitative approach on which the study was centered has used the semi-structured interview guide as a research instrument. This was applied to a number of 18 specialists who work in the social care of older persons (residential centers, social services provided at home, day-care centers). The results of the study show that the main problems which the older population confronts with are: low income, loneliness and isolation, physical or mental health disorders, difficulties in ensuring proper self-care, difficult access to information and to the system of social and/or medical care. While assisting the elders, the specialists encountered various challenges, such as: excessive bureaucracy, lack of cooperation, understanding and patience from the older person, reticence towards new, difficulties of the institutionalized elders to adapt to the new environment, limited access to quality medical care, to spare time activities, trips/ holidays. The following are necessary for an active aging of the population: facilitate the access of the older persons to information and quality medical care; develop support services at home; develop day care services such as seniors’ club, free courses to develop digital skills; emergency hotlines for providing counseling and guidance.

Keywords: active aging, older persons, social care services