Juveniles and young adults who commit crimes and end up serving custodial sentences come from groups and vulnerable communities, moreover, due to the effects of the experience of further detention they remain a vulnerable social group. Using Watts and Bohle’s suggestion of a “social space of vulnerability” (1993), based on the results of our research, we propose to describe some of its dimensions, with some ideas from E. Sutherland differential association theory, the approaches from the left realism, and the risk-needs-responsivity theoretical model of offender rehabilitation (RNR), developed among others, by Andrews, Bonta and Wormith (2006, as cited in Ward and Maruna, 2007). The purpose of the research and the referred analysis was to explore and describe several dimensions of risks of crime which developed around social vulnerability in case of juveniles and young people convicted in Târgu Mureş Penitentiary.
Keywords: crime as a learned behaviour, social deprivation, group, risk, needs