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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Current number: 2/2024

Georgiana-Cristina Rentea, Anca Mihai

The issue 2/2024 invited social work academics, practitioners, researchers, and students to submit articles about social work in uncertain times, such......[Abstract]
Liana Teuşdea, Lavinia Anton, Andreia Iacob, Larisa Molnar, Felicia Furtos
Impactul pandemiei COVID-19 asupra copiilor din familii vulnerabile [The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children from Vulnerable Families]

This study aims to examine the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on children from vulnerable backgrounds. The pandemic has had a significant impac......[Abstract]
Ana Maria Dima, Bogdan Voicu
Uncertainty of Transnational Parenthood

Uncertainty and risk became key concepts in social sciences in the past half century (Douglas, 1986; Lupton, 2013; Stalker, 2003). The post-modern wor......[Abstract]
Rebeca Popescu , Marian Mocanu
Prevention of Children Abandonment – Resilience Factors

Romania is still facing the phenomenon of children abandoned in maternities or paediatric hospitals units and is still facing the children institution......[Abstract]
Cristina-Elena Andone
Studiu privind consumul de tutun în rândul adolescenților dintr-un liceu din Bucureşti şi unul din Bacău [Study on Tobacco use Among Adolescents in a High School in Bucharest and One in Bacau]

Tobacco use is one of the most common addictive phenomena. So, when it comes to tobacco use, we have learned that there are 3 types of tobacco addicti......[Abstract]
Rodica Gabriela Enache , Mariana Uță, Marinela Carmen Grigore
Benefits of Psychosocial Services for Cancer Patients

Contemporary society is aware that there are different types of diseases that people try to live with. Acceptance of the disease, managing emotions at......[Abstract]
Bianca-Daniela Parepeanu
Provocările în asistenţa socială a persoanelor fără adăpost în contextul pandemiei [The Challenges of Homeless Social Work in the Context of Pandemic]

The social work system in Romania began to gain momentum 34 yeas ago, when the communist period ended, being generated and urgented, as a result of th......[Abstract]
Diana Narcisa Dănău
Elderly People from Residential Centers. A Theoretical Approach on Ageing Implications and the Social need of Vulnerable Elderly

Aging is a natural phenomenon that occurs in everyone's life. It has different implications in people's lives, taking into account the way of whole li......[Abstract]
Monika Orliková, Jana Levická, Zuzana Draková
Critical Aspects of the Sustainability of Care for the Senior Population in Slovakia

One of the biggest challenges of today's global world is the aging of the population. From the information published by the WHO, we can expect that t......[Abstract]
Ioana Prodan
Innovations in Social Work Practice. A Presentation of Two Case Studies from Romania

This paper briefly presents two case studies of disruptive innovation in social work practice from Romania, namely the introduction of social services......[Abstract]
Sergiu-Lucian Raiu
Feminizarea profesiei de asistent social în România. Studiu privind proporţia femeilor în funcţii de conducere [Feminisation of the Social Work Profession in Romania. Study on the Proportion of Women in Management Positions]

The study is based on administrative data received from General Directorates of Social Work and Child Protection (DGASPCs) and Directorates of Social ......[Abstract]
Mihaela Popa
Aparitii editoriale: Dezvoltare şi schimbare socială. Rezolvarea problemelor sociale prin programme şi proiecte comunitare [Development and Social Change. Solving Social Problems through Community Programs and Projects]

Dan, A. (2023). Bucureşti: Tritonic. 201 pagini. ISBN: 978-606-749-669-7 Cartea autorului Adrian Dan, conferenţiar dr. în cadrul Facultăţii de......[Abstract]