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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Current number: 1/2025

Mihaela Tomiţă, Roxana Ungureanu
Editorial: Reziliența grupurilor vulnerabile

Numărul 1/2025, are la bază contribuții orientate către tematica rezilienței grupurilor vulnerabile. Conceptul de reziliență este tot mai popul......[Abstract]
Mihaela Tomiţă, Roxana Ungureanu
Editorial: Resilience of vulnerable groups

Issue 1/2025, is based on contributions focusing on the resilience of vulnerable groups. The concept of resilience is increasingly popular in differen......[Abstract]
Mihaela Tomiţă, Roxana Ungureanu
Factori de risc și de protecție în construcția rezilienței tânărului delincvent [Risk and Protective Factors among Resilience of Youth Offenders]

In the complex landscape of societal challenges, youth delinquency remains a pressing issue that calls for nuanced understanding and intervention. Fac......[Abstract]
Cosmin Goian, Luiza Vlaicu, Geanina-Ștefana Moţăţeanu
Coping Strategies used by Social Workers Supporting Vulnerable Groups

This paper aims to explore how the techniques and skills used by social workers influence their direct work with beneficiaries. It highlights the impo......[Abstract]
Anna Bienvenu, Evelyne Bouteyre
Sexual Exploitation of Minors: Risk Factors and Perspectives for Socio-Educational Support: Developments Based on the Situation in France

Based on the French context and drawing on international literature, this article reviews the various risk factors (demographic and personal, environm......[Abstract]
Alina Bărbuță, Alina Cacean, Florina Pop
Resilience, Challenges, and Social Integration of Ukrainian Adolescents in Cluj-Napoca

This study explores the experiences of Ukrainian adolescent refugees in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022......[Abstract]
Diana Laura Biriş , Claudia Feher
Socio-Cultural Resilience of Roma Ethnic Probationers

This article explores the socio-cultural resilience of Roma ethnic probationers, a group that experiences disproportionately high involvement with the......[Abstract]
Loredana-Marcela Trancă , Geanina-Ștefana Moţăţeanu
Resilience and Integration: Pathways to Socio-Professional Success among Roma Individuals with Higher Education

This paper explores the pathways through which Roma individuals with higher education have navigated and overcome significant barriers to achieve soci......[Abstract]
Doru Buzducea
Pledoarie pentru reducerea vulnerabilităților și promovarea rezilienței la vârsta senioratului prin dezvoltarea serviciilor de asistență socială [Advocacy for Reducing Vulnerabilities and Promoting Resilience in Seniority through the Development of Social Work Services]

The present article is based on the paper presented by the author at the National Conference "Best Practices for a Beautiful Old Age", 7th edition, 20......[Abstract]
Liliana Caplescu
Repertorii interpretative ale rezilienței. Problematica obținerii actelor de identitate în cazul persoanelor fără adăpost [nterpretative Repertoires of Resilience. The Problem of Obtaining Identity Documents for Homeless People]

The aim of this study is centered on the concept of a homeless person regarding the lack of identity documents, the experience of working with homeles......[Abstract]
Louise Hartereau , Evelyne Bouteyre, Léa Binaut
Supporting Young Adults After Foster Care: Identifying Resources that Promote Resilience using the Imaginary Genograms of the Present and the Future

Supporting young people leaving child protection services is essential to promote their autonomy and facilitate their transition to adulthood, as they......[Abstract]
Anamaria Cosiac , Atalia Onițiu
Parents voice. Perspectives on Social Inclusion of Children with Disabilities

In contemporary society, social inclusion of children with disabilities represents a major challenge, having a profound impact on the quality of life ......[Abstract]
Adriana Căruntu
Importanța consilierii specialiștilor în îngrijiri palliative [The Importance of Palliative Care Specialist Counselling]

This study was carried out in 2023, within the Joy of Helping Foundation, from Bucharest. The interview method was used for 30 employees in the medic......[Abstract]
Cristina Dumitran
Perspective sociale asupra rezilienței deținuților prin accesarea studiilor universitare [Social Perspectives On Detainees' Resilience Through Access to University Studies]

The theme of this article focuses on two topics less addressed in Romania: offences committed by students, for which prison sentences have been issued......[Abstract]
Urša Rozman , Žanin Kužnik , Mitja Krajnčan
Empowering Young People During and After COVID-19

Young people's health, and mental health in particular, has become a broader, global issue, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. If b......[Abstract]
Patricia Luciana Runcan
Resilience Revisited: Definition, Attributes and Factors

This paper presents some aspects regarding resilience/ resiliency, the study of whom has been growing rapidly in recent years. The author investigates......[Abstract]