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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4

Articole de: Monica Luminiţa Alexandru

Nr. 4 / 2024 - The Role of the Specialists in Efficiently Managing Active Aging
We witness the aging process of the population at global level, and Romania makes no exception. It is foreseen that, by 2050, the percentage of the adult population of 65 years old or above will conti...
Nr. 4 / 2021 - People with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic – An Analysis
The Covid-19 crisis affected the whole world, especially those belonging to vulnerable groups. The pandemic accentuated the phenomenon of social exclusion that people with disabilities faced in the pe...
Nr. 2 / 2019 - Motivaţia renunţării la consum şi rolul tratamentului substitutiv în atingerea şi menţinerea abstinenţei foştilor consumatori de heroină
The scourge of drugs is one of the most complex phenomena, deepest and most tragic of the contemporary world. Romania was initially a transit country, but soon it became one of the profitable areas of...
Nr. 3 / 2019 - Traficul de persoane şi traficul de migranţi. Studiu comparativ
Trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling are two distinct phenomena, even if both are offenses involving the transfer of human beings for the purpose of making a profit. This paper aims to pr...
Nr. 3 / 2016 - The Efficiency of Motor Activities Programs in Fighting the Social Exclusion of Children and Young People with Down Syndrome
In Romania, there are a significant number of children and youth with Down syndrome. Most often, they are labelled as "handicapped" and, consequently, they are prevented from joining shared activities...
Nr. 4 / 2016 - O radiografiere a serviciilor şi beneficiilor sociale oferite la nivelul judeţului Giurgiu
Giurgiu County is one of the most important Romanian shipyards at Danube River and an important border crossing as well for passenger and freight traffic. The County’s population represents aproxima...
Nr. 1 / 2014 - Human Trafficking – A Phenomenon with Multiple Ramifications
Human trafficking is a global phenomenon, which affects all the countries in the world. The mechanism of human trafficking is a simple one: demand and supply. As long as there is a demand, there will ...
Nr. 3 / 2013 - Labor Exploitation, a Form of Child Trafficking in Romania
Every year in Romania, a significant number of children fall victim to different forms of exploitation – of which labor exploitation is not excluded. Not all work performed by children may be consid...
Nr. 1 / 2012 - Traficul de persoane un fenomen global. Studiu comparativ Romania-Italia
The human trafficking is a current phenomenon which is undergoing continuous transformation and rapid expansion while it is affecting countries and communities all over the world. The phenomenon is co...
Nr. 3 - 4 / 2009 - Victimele traficului de fiinţe umane (Victims of human trafficking)
An underground phenomenon of global dimensions, responsible for causing million of human dramas, the human trafficking recorded a constant increase, becoming both a national as well as international...
Nr. 1 - 2 / 2007 - The Importance of Counselling for the Drug Addicts’ Families to Overcome Crisis Situations
In order to understand addiction is necessary not only to focus on medical symptoms, but also to examine the constellation of behavioural interaction – reflected in psychosocial development – wi...
Nr. 1 / 2006 - Policies of Law Harmonization Regarding Preventing and Rebuttal of Drug Consumerism in Romania and European Union – Comparative study
Due to the international geopolitical context and internal social changes, in the last decade the consumerism of the illicit drugs grew considerably in Romania reaching the dimensions of the social ph...
