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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2016

Theodora Ene

Proiectat iniţial ca un număr concentrat pe o temă anume, actualul număr al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială îşi poartă şi expune cititorii la... [Abstract]
Theodora Ene
Editorial [Editorial]

Initially considered as a theme based issue, the current issue of Social Work Review transports and exposes the readers to a variety of subjects start... [Abstract]
Daniela Gaba
Interactions between Social Work and International Development: Specific Points of Connection

The fields of social work and international development appear to be linked at the level of their theoretical and methodological approaches, areas of ... [Abstract]
Esther Montero Pérez de Tudela, Ioan Durnescu
The Pains of the Romanian Prisoners in the Spanish Prisons

This exploratory study is based on a relatively small sample (n=35) of Romanian prisoners held in Spain. Based on semi-structure interviews, we identi... [Abstract]
Rebeca Scorcia-Popescu
Importanţa suportului social în prevenirea abandonului copilului şi rolul în menţinerea diadei mamă-copil [The Importance of Social Support in the Prevention of Child Abandonment and the Role in Maintaining Parent-Child Dyad]

Romania still faces the leaving children phenomenon in the different hospital units, and in some cases the original abandonment is followed by the ins... [Abstract]
Maria Ecaterina Floarea
Noua orientare a sistemului de protecţie socială a copilului şi familiei din România [The New Direction of the Child and Family Protection System in Romania]

The article analyses the legal and procedural changes that took place within the child and family protection system in Romania during the latest years... [Abstract]
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru
O radiografiere a serviciilor şi beneficiilor sociale oferite la nivelul judeţului Giurgiu [A Radiography of Social Services and Benefits offered in Giurgiu County]

Giurgiu County is one of the most important Romanian shipyards at Danube River and an important border crossing as well for passenger and freight traf... [Abstract]
Emanuel Adrian Sârbu
Conduita suicidară: patternuri şi determinanţi socio-culturali [Suicidal Behavior: Social and Cultural Patterns and Determinants]

Suicidal behavior has never been studied as in the last decades. A lot of interest has – and is – been paid by individuals, organizations, public ... [Abstract]
Mihaela Popa
Despre media, comunicare şi asistenţă socială [About Mass Media, Communication and Social Work]

This study summarizes the social media theories explaining how we understand the reality and the difference between the reality and our perception. Of... [Abstract]
Claudia Constantinescu
Schimbarea şi cultura organizaţională [Change and Organizational Culture]

We are living in times of abrupt changes, times of unforeseen changes. The organizations have to adapt; the leaders should adjust their strategies. Ch... [Abstract]
Marian Ursan, Cristina Oprea
Implicaţiile lipsei accesului la energie electrică în rândul populaţiei marginalizate [The Implications of Lack of Access to Electricity Among Marginalized Population]

Access to modern energy has an important role in human well-being and to a country's economic development. Also, access to modern energy is closely re... [Abstract]

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