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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Revista de Asistență Socială: 3 / 2015

Claudia Oşvat, Cristiana Marc

Issue no. 3/2015 of the Social Work Review, coordinated by Ph.D. Associate Professor Claudia Oșvat (Bacter) and Ph.D. Lecturer Cristiana Marc from ... [Abstract]
Stephen J. Cutler
Population Ageing and Volunteering in Romania

Population ageing will lead to a dramatic change in Romania’s age structure. Future cohorts of older Romanians will be more numerous and they are li... [Abstract]
Minna Kivipelto , Sanna Blomgren , Paula Saikkonen, Pekka Karjalainen
Web-Based Tool for Social Work Effectiveness Evaluation

This article studies the development of a tool called “KEY”, which is an online measure for determining the effectiveness of an intervention in so... [Abstract]
Radosveta Dimitrova , Carmen Buzea, Vanja Ljujic , Venzislav Jordanov
Nationalistic Attitudes and Perceived Threat Determine Romaphobia among Bulgarian and Romanian Youth

This study explores relations among nationalism, ethnic identity, perceived threat and attitudes towards the Roma among 178 Bulgarian and 211 Romanian... [Abstract]
Nina Mihaela Mihalache
Socioeconomic Facilitation Methods for Poverty Alleviation

In the recent years, marked by economic and social crisis, research priorities have focused on analyzing poverty, its effects on the population, a... [Abstract]
Maria Diaconescu
Burnout, Secondary Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Social Work

Burnout is already a chronic social problem recognized in consumer societies. Secondary trauma among social workers employed to assist the traumatized... [Abstract]
Aurora Elena Gavriș
Sanctions that can be Imposed on Underage Offenders According to the New Criminal Code. A case study

Being a juvenile is a particular stage in the development, growth and education of human beings, a distinct period, legally defined by age criterion i... [Abstract]
Călina Ana Buţiu
Parish Priests – Community Development Catalysts in the Isolated Rural Space

Community development is one concept that reappeared on the horizon of development theoreticians and practitioners after being conceptualized during t... [Abstract]
Roxana Bartoş
The Complexity of the Social Worker Profession. Theoretical and Practical Aspects

The social worker profession acquires nowadays an increasingly higher importance, as society is more and more aware of its duties towards its disadvan... [Abstract]
Georgiana-Cristina Rentea
Mobility within the European Union and the Access to Social Benefits: Challenges of Social Policies

This paper investigates the relationship between migration within European Union (EU) and access to social benefits as an important issue of concern o... [Abstract]
Adrian Petru Pop
Access to Higher Education and Some Aspects of Integration and Educational Engagement of Students Enrolled in Social Work Program – a Comparative Study

In this article I briefly described the situation of higher education in Romania emphasizing on the aspect of access in different types of Universitie... [Abstract]
Remus Runcan
Facebookmania – the psychical addiction to Facebook and its incidence on the Z generation

Addiction is one of the most dangerous traps that a person can fall into. There are two reasons for which a person becomes addicted, either because of... [Abstract]
Elisaveta Drăghici
The importance of the day care centers in the life of the disabled people and their families

This paper shows the role that day care centers plays, as social assistence services, for the people with disabilities and their families. For the dis... [Abstract]
Flavia-Petronela Medruţ
Extracurricular and Leisure Activities as Predictors of Adolescent Substance Use

This study aimed to find possible links between an adolescent’s extracurricular activities, leisure activities and substance use (cigarettes, alcoho... [Abstract]
Daniela Romilă , Ana-Maria Roman
Social Worker-Major Player in the Integration of Students with Mental Disabilities in Mainstream Schools

This article is intended as a radiography of the social workersprofessional experiences and observations in direct work with students with mental defi... [Abstract]

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