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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2016

Maria Roth, Mihai Iovu
Editorial: Capacitarea copiilor, tinerilor şi familiilor

Acest număr special şi-a propus să ofere un spaţiu academic şi profesional pentru a descrie şi analiza critic unul din scopurile fundamentale al... [Abstract]
Maria Roth, Mihai Iovu
Editorial: Empowering children, youth and families

The aim of this issue is to provide an academic and professional space for describing and critically analysing empowerment as one of the current frame... [Abstract]
Cath Larkins
Making the Critical Links: Strategies for Connecting Marginalised Children’s Action Research with European Citizenship

Although European political collectivities are distant from children’s everyday lives, through action research and critical realist theory building,... [Abstract]
Livia Popescu , Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Eszter Peter, Alexandra Bichir, Adelina Ciocotişan, Sergiu Raiu
Developing Participatory Activities with Roma Children and Youth in Romania. Experiences Accumulated within PEER Project

The term „participation” is regarded as a synonimous of children’s and young people’s right to express their views. Building upon this concept... [Abstract]
Osman Aytar, Elinor Brunnberg
Empowering Unaccompanied Children in Everyday Life in a New Country A Resilience Support Centre in Sweden Evaluated from the Perspective of Program Theory

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children coming to Sweden are almost all fleeing from violent or threatening situations in their home country and have be... [Abstract]
Elena-Loreni Baciu, Teodor Mircea Alexiu, Andreea Bîrneanu, Johans Sandvin Tveit, Ingrid Fylling
The Role and Influence of Family and Community Relations on the Disabled Persons’ Labor Market Status: Perspectives of Disabled Individuals and Family Members

Using a qualitative research approach named "Institutional Ethnography", the current study was conducted in Timiş Country, in order to explore the "l... [Abstract]
Janne Paulsen Breimo, Johans Sandvin Tveit, Hanne Thommesen
Activation for whom? Experiences of the Transition to Adulthood and Adapting to Norwegian Activation Policies

This article investigates the experience of accessing the labour market for two different groups: 1) young people who have been enrolled in the servic... [Abstract]
Maria Diaconescu , Éva László
Abilitarea tinerilor prin Teatru Forum pentru prevenirea fenomenului de bullying [Empowering Youth Using Forum Theatre in Order to Prevent Bullying]

The present paper presents an experimental programme for preventing bullying among students, by applying the Forum Theatre method in four schools from... [Abstract]
Maja Lundemark Andersen
Who is in Need of Empowerment? Social Work and Young People with ADHD

Issues related to ADHD are increasingly common in social work. A growing number of children, youths and adults are diagnosed with ADHD, and they often... [Abstract]
Corina Voicu, Imola Antal, Maria Roth
Involvement of Children in the Preparation and Development of the BECAN Research (Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect), Romania

The involvement of the participants in all the phases of a research is an option of the researchers, which introduces the benefits and costs financial... [Abstract]
Anca Mihai
Book Review: Writings about poverty in the interwar Bucharest - Zoltán Rostás, 2015, Bucharest Planet Collection of Vremea Publishing House, 168 p.

In 2015, a compilation of 168 pages with articles from the interwar period was published in the Bucharest Planet Collection of Vremea Publishing house... [Abstract]

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