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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2015

Ion Copoeru, Nicoleta Neamţu
Approaches to Ethics in Social Work in a Complex Work Environment

Approaches to Ethics in Social Work in a Complex Work Environment Ethical norms and principles are embedded in the professional practice of social ... [Abstract]
Mădălina Zamfiroiu
Public Surveys’ Ethics as the Source for the Legitimate Public Policy Actions

Social research sets the baselines in many of the stages of the public policy cycle. It is important for people to trust these survey results in order... [Abstract]
Csaba L. Dégi, Cristina Faludi , Mihaela Elvira Cîmpianu, Gyula Ignác Lukács
Back to Square One. Ethical Considerations Regarding Psychosocial Care of Romanian Cancer Patients in 2014

In this study we aimed to investigate experiences and challenges faced by Romanian professionals working in psychosocial oncology carein order to id... [Abstract]
Oana Lăcrămioara Bădărău
Ethical Dilemmas in the Risk Assessment of Recurrent Child Maltreatment in the Family

Ethical dilemmas are inherent in the practice of child protective services. To decide what is best for a child’s life usually implies uncomfortable ... [Abstract]
Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Raluca Mocean, Remus Runcan , Patricia Luciana Runcan
An Exploratory Case Study of the Religiosity, Spirituality and Death Attitudes in Two Romanian Elderly Day Centres

Statement of problem: Older adults face many life-threatening and disabling illnesses, which make them think more about their own mortal limit. One of... [Abstract]
Florin Lazăr
HIV Stigma, Confidentiality and Professional Ethics in Social Work Practice from Romania. The Segarcea Case

In late 2014 Romanian newspapers present a case from the city of Segarcea where an HIV positive youth, recently deceased, engaged in sexual intercours... [Abstract]
Andrada Parvu
Ethical Dilemmas in the Doctor-Roma Patient Relationship, from the Perspective of Health Mediators

Overall, the access of ethnic minority populations to the health care system is modest due to several factors: patient-physician communication barrier... [Abstract]
Emanuel Adrian Sârbu
The Suicide Prevention Line for Children and Teenagers in Bucharest

Suicide is one of the leading causes of teenagers’s deaths. Even whether it is preventable, most of the time, there are still very few projects or a... [Abstract]
Sorina Poledna
Creativity in Social Work and Art Therapy. An Ethichal Perspective

Art is „the meeting ground of the world inside and the world outside” (Ulman, 1996), this is an expressive metaphor to identify the arguments of t... [Abstract]
Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei (Corodeanu)
Ethics and Responsability in Public Management

The public values are currently a mark in the decision-making process in the public management sector. The theory of Public Value (or the New Public S... [Abstract]
Margaret Funke Omidire , Ditlhokwe AnnaMosia , Motlalepule Ruth Mampane
Perceptions of the Roles and Responsabilities of Caregivers in Children’s Homes in South Africa

The study investigated the perceptions that caregivers working at children’s homes have regarding their roles/responsibilities. The aim was to obtai... [Abstract]
Georgiana-Cristina Rentea
Governmental Measures supporting Return and Reintegration of Romanian Migrants

This paper summarizes the most important governmental initiatives aimed at return migrants or Romanian citizens settled temporarily abroad. Romania’... [Abstract]
Cătălin Pîrvu
Towards a Perspective of Integrative Globalization on Personality Types

Are we just a consciousness of the mind that is in a body and which has the ability to feel emotions and decide on the most rational way to pursue one... [Abstract]
Denizia Gal
Ethical and Moral Perspectives of Social Gerontology

We are facing a truly irreversible: the population aged over 65 tend to represent the mid-21st century, a quarter of its population. Awareness of this... [Abstract]

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