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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3 > Aspecte metodologice legate de managementul adicţiei în sistemele corecţionale

 Aspecte metodologice legate de managementul adicţiei în sistemele corecţionale [Methodological approaches Related to Management of Addiction in Correctional Systems]

  • Delia-Gabriela Marin (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, Phone: 0722-331146, E-mail:

Belonging to contemporary life, correctional systems are institutions that manage a diverse category of people, aiming at the social reintegration of those who commit crimes. Globalization, which also involves adapting correctional systems to international criminal policies, involves a diversification of the human profile, both from the point of view of personal peculiarities and as a social manifestation. As part of the correctional system, the probation system manages the situation of sanctioned persons, who are at large, and provides relevant information to judicial institutions, on persons accused of committing crimes. Having social implications, addiction has become a phenomenon that affects people, their relationships, situations, ways of solving problems, and requires specialized tools to approach, to remove the causes that led to its occurrence. Combined with criminality, addiction becomes a complex factor that manifests itself strongly in society, demanding the development of optimal mechanisms for the management of both elements.

Keywords: addiction, probation, addiction in probation