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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3

Revista de Asistență Socială: 3 / 2024

Gabriel Oancea

Numărul 3/2024 al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială este dedicat rolului asistenţei sociale în cadrul sistemului de justiţie penală. Alegerea aces... [Abstract]
Gabriel Oancea

Issue 3/2024 of the Social Work Review is dedicated to the role of social work in the criminal justice system. The choice of this theme has brought to... [Abstract]
Arpad Mathe
Aspecte etice şi metodologice în cercetarea socială asupra persoanelor private de libertate: Provocări şi Soluţii [Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Social Research on Incarcerated Individuals: Challenges and Solutions]

The article addresses the ethical and methodological challenge sencountered by researchers studying in carcerated individuals. It examines ethical iss... [Abstract]
Adelina-Bianca Negru, Cosmin Goian, Venera Margareta Bucur, Laurenţiu Dincă, Adrian Toma , Claudiu Roman
Bullying: From Student Conflict to Juvenile Delinquency

Bullying is a frequently encountered phenomenon, with various behaviors and forms. The present study aims to explore the different perceptions and att... [Abstract]
Gabriel Oancea, Ioana Liliana Puica
Cazul Vlad Pascu şi populismul penal [The Case of Vlad Pascu and Penal Populism]

Following a serious accident in the village of 2 Mai, in which two young people died and three others were injured, it was discovered that the driver,... [Abstract]
Alina Claudia Tudorache
Aspecte practice referitoare la punerea în executare a obligaţiei de prestare a muncii neremunerate în folosul comunităţii [Practical Aspects Related to the Enforcement of the Obligation to Provide Unpaid Community Service Work]

The article addresses the challenges encountered in executing unpaid community service work, highlighting the importance of the role of probation coun... [Abstract]
Lucian Biru
De la burnout la rezilienţă în activitatea asistenţilor sociali de penitenciare [From Burnout to Resilience in the Activity of the Penitentiary Social Workers]

The profile of the social work profession has developed over time in response to people's needs to adapt to social changes. The professional competenc... [Abstract]
Ioana Karina Ludu
The Prison Choir: a Potential Solution for Inmate’s Aggressiveness

During their time in prison, inmates experience various types of provocation, abuse and degradation. The prison environment often causes them to becom... [Abstract]
Delia-Gabriela Marin
Aspecte metodologice legate de managementul adicţiei în sistemele corecţionale [Methodological approaches Related to Management of Addiction in Correctional Systems]

Belonging to contemporary life, correctional systems are institutions that manage a diverse category of people, aiming at the social reintegration of ... [Abstract]
Sorina Poledna, Sergiu-Lucian Raiu
Munca asistenţilor sociali din penitenciarele din România în timpul pandemiei Covid-19 [The Work of Social Workers in Romanian Penitentiaries, during the Covid-19 Pandemic]

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major changes in the functioning of prison institutions. Both inmates and prison staff have exposed themselves to ris... [Abstract]
Magdalena Roxana Necula
Violenţa în familie într-o societate a contrastelor – de la tradiţionalism religios la reacţiune postmodernă [Family Violence in a Society of Contrasts – from Religious Traditionalism to Postmodern Reaction]

Family violence can be approached from a multitude of perspectives (legal, psychological, social, and religious). Social workers must consider all of ... [Abstract]
Oana Stan
Mituri şi realităţi privind consumul de cannabis. Dimensiuni ale consilierii [Myths and Realities Regarding Cannabis Use. Dimensions of Counseling]

The article addresses cannabis consumption from the perspective of probation counsellors' analysis of the most common beliefs encountered when interac... [Abstract]
Narcis Iordache
Abordarea terapeutică în supravegherea consumatorilor de substanţe psihoactive [The Therapeutic approach in Probation Supervision of Drug Users]

The article examines therapeutic strategies applied within the probation system for substance users in Romania. Recent events have highlighted the nee... [Abstract]
Cornelia Nicoleta Bălă, Gabriel Oancea
Incidenţa sindromului burnout în sistemul de probaţiune din România [ncidence of Burnout Syndrome in the Romanian Probation System]

Burnout is a syndrome increasingly affecting active individuals across various professional fields, having a significant social and economic impact. I... [Abstract]
Daciana Ramona Jivan
Metode grafice ce pot fi utilizate în consilierea persoanelor aflate în evidenţa serviciilor de probaţiune [Graphical Methods that can be used in Counselling the Persons in the Evidence of Probation Services]

Apart from the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, the professional training of a probation counsellor also involves the creation/ development of sk... [Abstract]

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