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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3 > Metode grafice ce pot fi utilizate în consilierea persoanelor aflate în evidenţa serviciilor de probaţiune

 Metode grafice ce pot fi utilizate în consilierea persoanelor aflate în evidenţa serviciilor de probaţiune [Graphical Methods that can be used in Counselling the Persons in the Evidence of Probation Services]

  • Daciana Ramona Jivan (Independent researcher, E-mail:

Apart from the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, the professional training of a probation counsellor also involves the creation/ development of skills. In this respect, it is useful to be aware of strengths, so that, as the probation officer accompanies the person in the change process, he or she becomes an artisan in using the most appropriate working tools. Starting from the premise that, in probation, the assistance and counselling component represents the flexible side, the counsellor has the rather difficult task, during the supervision period, to put the theoretical acquisitions into practice, to achieve the stated purposes of the probation services, namely that of social reintegration of people who have broken the law, recidivism rate reduction and community protection. Reflecting on the challenge raised during a seminar, whether therapy/ counselling is a science or an art, we believe that in the supervision process counselling is the art of applying the science of change. As, at the end of the day, probation does not mean just compliance with certain measures or execution of obligations, but also the courage to exercise creativity, the entire set of skills and attitudes of the counsellor to enable persons with problems and needs to become able to deal with their limits. This article brings to the fore certain aspects regarding the counselling of people who have committed crimes, emphasizing the use of working tools to obtain certain information or reach certain results in the supervision process.

Keywords: probation, counselling, work tools, graphic methods