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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3 > De la burnout la rezilienţă în activitatea asistenţilor sociali de penitenciare

 De la burnout la rezilienţă în activitatea asistenţilor sociali de penitenciare [From Burnout to Resilience in the Activity of the Penitentiary Social Workers]

  • Lucian Biru (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, district 5, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:

The profile of the social work profession has developed over time in response to people's needs to adapt to social changes. The professional competence of the social worker considers three dimensions: to know, to do, and to be. What highlights the quality of the social worker's intervention is the emphasis on practice (to do). In prison, the social worker's activity aims to mitigate the negative effects of custody on individuals deprived of liberty and to develop their personal and family prosocial resources. Through activities carried out in prison, the social worker aims to develop individual capacities and social and community opportunities, in order to facilitate the social reintegration of convicted persons. The purpose of the article lies in studying the two concepts of burnout and resilience and the psycho-social characteristics that appear in social workers in carrying out their activities in prison. The timeliness of the article consists of analyzing studies from which ten studies were selected as being the most relevant for workers in fields where social interaction with service beneficiaries is necessary. The results show that burnout and resilience influence each other. However, elements such as physical activity, social support, regularly practiced relaxation programs, physical self-care, emotional and physical distancing, social and emotional support coupled with improving communication flows and encouraging open dialogue between staff and management play a fundamental role in preventing and managing burnout syndrome."

Keywords: penitentiary, resilience, burnout, system, analysis