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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > Fostering Connection: Applying Humanistic Values in Solving Mother-Daughter Conflicts. A case study

 Fostering Connection: Applying Humanistic Values in Solving Mother-Daughter Conflicts. A case study [Fostering Connection: Applying Humanistic Values in Solving Mother-Daughter Conflicts. A case study ]

  • Alina Costin (Aurel Vlaicu University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Assistance, Elena Dragoi Street, No. 2-4, 310032 Arad, E-mail:

The issue of teenage parents is a complex one that involves multiple challenges  emotional, social, financial, and educational (Brown, Moran, 1997). Teenage parents often face difficulties that affect both them and their children (Malik, Irshad, 2012). This study captures the essence of humanistic values in family dynamics while highlighting the specific case study. Humanistic therapies focus on personal growth, self-awareness, and an individual's capacity to make choices. They emphasize understanding and enhancing the human experience, with the goal of helping clients live more authentic and fulfilling lives (Jeon, Myers, 2023). Unlike some other therapeutic approaches, humanistic therapies tend to focus less on diagnosing mental illness and more on empowering individuals to discover their true potential. Exploring the case of a single mother who had her daughter during her teenage years, this paper aims to explore the efficiency of humanistic therapeutic techniques, in the context of a high score regarding the openness personality trait, according to the Big 5 Model; in improving parent-child communication strategies. The results indicate a high efficiency of humanistic intervention techniques in the case of high scores of openness.

Keywords: parent-child conflict, humanistic techniques, openness, communication strategies