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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3 > Violenţa în familie într-o societate a contrastelor – de la tradiţionalism religios la reacţiune postmodernă

 Violenţa în familie într-o societate a contrastelor – de la tradiţionalism religios la reacţiune postmodernă [Family Violence in a Society of Contrasts – from Religious Traditionalism to Postmodern Reaction]

  • Magdalena Roxana Necula (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Doctoral School of Social Work; Emergency Reception Center for victims of domestic violence, General Directorate of Social Work and Child Protection Iasi; "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology, Social Work and Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, E-mail:

Family violence can be approached from a multitude of perspectives (legal, psychological, social, and religious). Social workers must consider all of these when working with the victims because their existence in practice is essential for the success or failure of the intervention. Identifying the strengths and vulnerabilities of the assisted person is critical for a beneficiary-centred intervention. Among these, religious beliefs are one of the fundamental elements that the social worker must consider when interacting with victims who identify as spiritual. Religion can serve as psychological support for the woman subjected to family violence but also can be a destabilizing factor in the intervention process if the assisted person adheres to beliefs that, for example, consider divorce a sin or view separation from the abusive husband as a refusal of divine trials. Romanian society is a society of contrasts, divided, with a visible discrepancy between the traditional family, based on religious values or infused with religious elements, and the postmodern family, where tendencies towards individualism and a vision in which the partner is responsible for the other's needs only insofar as their own needs are met, predominate.

Keywords: family violence, social assistance, religious traditionalism, social prejudices