In this paper we looked into ways in which modern and postmodern penology addresses the gender differences and how the theoretical concepts are dealt with in Romanian judicial practice, particularly in non-custodial system. In the non-custodial system does not exist any special programming designed for convicted women. The gender differences issue for served sentences has not been addressed. This paper does a qualitative assessment in understanding the perception of probation officers related to gender issue with the purpose of improving the social programs offered to women and support their social reintegration. The objective of this paper is to better understand the probation officers’ persepective related to gender-responsiveness programing. The phenomenon of female delinquency is on the rise and is reflected in the probation system, with probation counsellors recognising the need for intervention practices/ programmes tailored to the needs of women offenders. The implementation of specialised programmes in relation to women's needs is perceived by specialists as having a reforming potential in probation intervention, in the context of an organised approach, as a result of the expertise of specialists in the field to design such programmes adapted to the needs of women in conflict with the criminal law.
Keywords: probation, gender, women, offenders