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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3 > Aspecte etice şi metodologice în cercetarea socială asupra persoanelor private de libertate: Provocări şi Soluţii

 Aspecte etice şi metodologice în cercetarea socială asupra persoanelor private de libertate: Provocări şi Soluţii [Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Social Research on Incarcerated Individuals: Challenges and Solutions]

  • Arpad Mathe (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, Phone: 0742.028.847, E-mail:

The article addresses the ethical and methodological challenge sencountered by researchers studying in carcerated individuals. It examines ethical issues such as informed consent, confidentiality, and voluntary participation, within the specific context of limitations imposed by detention conditions. The methodological difficulties discussed include restricted access to subjects and challenges in obtaining valid data. Based on a review of the literature and the researcher's direct experience, the article proposes solutions and best practices for improving the integrity of research in these sensitive environments. Specific ethical dilemmas, such as intellectual freedom and the concealment of research purposes, along with administrative obstacles and policies affecting the publication and dissemination of data, are discussed. The article emphasizes the need for a balance between methodological rigor and adherence to ethical principles, there by contributing to the development of more responsible and respectful research frame works regarding the rights of the subjects.

Keywords: research, penitentiary, ethics, methodology, prisoner