Nr. 1 / 2025 - Editorial: Reziliența grupurilor vulnerabile |
Numărul 1/2025, are la bază contribuții orientate către tematica rezilienței grupurilor vulnerabile. Conceptul de reziliență este tot mai popular în diferite discipline și este un termen util...
Nr. 1 / 2025 - Editorial: Resilience of vulnerable groups |
Issue 1/2025, is based on contributions focusing on the resilience of vulnerable groups. The concept of resilience is increasingly popular in different disciplines and is a widely used term, particula...
Nr. 1 / 2025 - Factori de risc și de protecție în construcția rezilienței tânărului delincvent |
In the complex landscape of societal challenges, youth delinquency remains a pressing issue that calls for nuanced understanding and intervention. Factors contributing to this phenomenon are multiple,...
Nr. 4 / 2023 - The Professionals’ Resilience on the Social Work System |
Child protection professionals are exposed to several workplace risks, often leaving them vulnerable for negative outcomes like burnout. Some professionals do well despite exposure to these risks, whi...
Nr. 2 / 2023 - Faţete ale rezilienţei din perspectiva ştiinţelor sociale |
The development or identification of the most efficient models of knowledge, as well as the study of the modes of engagement of the social structures involved in the execution of the act of justice, c...
Nr. 1 / 2018 - Risk and Protective Factors for Children Facing the Criminal Justice System |
Juvenile delinquency as an antisocial phenomenon is characterized by features and specific notes of the age category as well as by personality characteristics within a particular socio-economic and cu...
Nr. 1 / 2015 - Roma Social Integration Policies After a Quarter of a Century of Post-Communism in Romania |
Roma populations’ social issues represent an important part of the Social Work system in Romania and the European Union. Poverty, discrimination, lack of education and unemployment represent the mai...
Nr. 2 / 2010 - Succesul unei adopţii: studiu de caz |
The national and international adoptions are the ‘great solutions” for the physical and mental health of the abandoned or orphan child.The adoption process is managed by the child welfare and the ...