
Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 1 > Considering the Future of the Profession and Universal Basic Income Implications

 Considering the Future of the Profession and Universal Basic Income Implications

  • Ionuţ Cioarţă (Glasgow University, Tutor in Urban Studies, 25 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, E-mail: ionut.cioarta@glasgow.ac.uk)

Scholars in different disciplines claim that the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI) at a large scale has the potential to address and even eradicate poverty and inequalities. Taking into account this context, the present paper seeks to explore views on how this utopic scenario can impact the social work profession and society as a whole. Even though the social workers’ insights on the UBI debate are somehow marginal, their voices are highly relevant. As known, social workers are those who have direct contact with marginalised groups and can, therefore, contribute with their formal and informal experience in the field. Additionally, considering their role as advocates of social change and justice, social workers can provide an informed perspective on the potential reform of the welfare system if UBI were to be implemented. Based on these aspects, this article invites social work professionals and researchers to reflect upon the future and consider further opportunities and challenges that UBI could pose for our societies. These discussions also have the potential to engage with a wider range of social work theories and research.

Keywords: UBI, social work utopia, universal basic income