
Home > Arhiva > 2006 > Numar: 4 > Communication Definition and Motivation

 Communication Definition and Motivation

  • Petre Anghel (Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, 9 Schitu Magureanu Street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail: petre.anghel@gmail.com)

The article focuses on some of the most well-known definitions of communication, advancing the analysis of communication as a specifically human process. Communication is the specifically human process through which information, ideas, thoughts, feelings are transmitted to individuals deemed as interested in that particular message, resorting to any means considered efficient while waiting for an answer. The second part of the article analyses the main reasons that lie at the basis of communication and the highlight is on the desire of the emitter to trigger changes in the behaviour of the receiver.

Keywords: communication, motivation, behaviour