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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > Communication Challenges amid Culture Dynamism

 Communication Challenges amid Culture Dynamism [Communication Challenges amid Culture Dynamism]

  • Mirela Anghel (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:, ORCID 0009-0003-7134-2796)

The present article makes an attempt to define the term “culture” from its origins up to the present. Culture becomes the action by which an individual develops, in himself or in others, the refinement of manners and the qualities of space. Over times, the term was conveniently absorbed by that of “civilisation” encompassing all the knowledge, beliefs, law, faith, etc that characterize an individual and a society, in extensio. Hofstede, Sapir, Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner, Jandt, Ferreol, Giddens, Lévi-Strauss, Anghel, etc approached the topic with insightful creativity and research. From Kultur to Zivilisation. And different approaches to coining the term, this article briefly presents the term form a historian and societal development. Hence, we reach the definition provided by Rocher that is evident that the term “culture” has largely gained intersocietal connotations in this context. In this regard, one of the most useful definitions for sociologists is still this one: culture is a group of roughly defined emotional, cognitive, and behavioural patterns that, when acquired and practiced by a diverse range of individuals, concurrently function to objectively and symbolically characterize these individuals as constituents of a particular and distinct collectivists.

Keywords: culture, sociology, theory, society, dynamism, communication