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Home > Arhiva > 2019 > Numar: 1 > Self-Development of Future University Professors: Stimulating the Formation of Young Students

 Self-Development of Future University Professors: Stimulating the Formation of Young Students

  • Stefania Cristina Stanciu ( University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania, phone number: +40768172572, E-mail:

The present article is the result of the analysis of the theories and models regarding the professional self-development of the future university professors required for their integration in the academic environment, and the participatory observation among 450 students and 50 PhD students and university assistants, held in October 2015 – June 2018.It has been found that both national and international emphasis is placed on the research work of future university professors, and less on teaching. From this point of view, they were identified based on the two implemented methods and some difficulties among them. It has been found that besides the role of researcher and teacher, the future academics are also given a quite important role: the stimulator in the field of professional and personal training of young students. This role is attributed even personally by these as well as young students. The self-development of this target group is also a legal requirement and the academic environment, a competence of these, but also a necessity regarding the possibility of their integration in the academic environment.

Keywords: self-development, PhD students, university assistants, young students, participatory observation