Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
Anul 2012 a debutat cu proteste de stradă (şi) în România. Fără a avea o motivaţie politică explicită, pornite sub pretextul demisiei unui se... [Abstract]
The year 2012 started with street protests (also) in Romania. Without having an explicit political motivation, begun with the occasion of a resignatio... [Abstract]
Over the past several decades, disability and social work have become increasingly strange bed fellows, in large part due to the espousal of the medic... [Abstract]
The issue of disability is a complex one, with multiple implications both for the disabled person and for the members of their family. The great numbe... [Abstract]
This article sets out to consider the tentative findings that have emerged from a comparative pilot study of the value given to their social work educ... [Abstract]
Introduction of cognitive-behavioral approaches in the practice of correctional services has opened new perspectives for the rehabilitation of offende... [Abstract]
From what we know in clinical practice, supervision is either missing or, where it exists; it is inefficient, being assimilated to the bureaucratic co... [Abstract]
The present work throws light upon a complicated matter: the social and psychological condition of the Romanian women who choose the way of migration... [Abstract]
In the contemporary world, because of the aging of the population, the diminution of the weight of the active population and of the contributors, the ... [Abstract]
The current article is aimed at highlighting the general aspects of the relationship between the ageing process and non-formal education. The global c... [Abstract]
Romania’s Decree No. 770, issued in 1966 with little warning and banning most abortions, had the effect of creating a sudden and dramatic, but short... [Abstract]
Infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator for the health status of child population, being also a global parameter for economical and social de... [Abstract]
Starting from the observation that there are two main approaches regarding defining „TV violence”, we set ourselves, in this article, to show what... [Abstract]
The human trafficking is a current phenomenon which is undergoing continuous transformation and rapid expansion while it is affecting countries and co... [Abstract]
Fundamental humanistic values and categories as human rights, social justice, human complexity, self-determination of person, personality, socio-human... [Abstract]
Recently published provisional results of Romanian Population and Housing Census of October 2011 uphold the downward trends of population by ceaseless... [Abstract]
Degi Csaba,
Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011
Încep prin a mărturisi că înţelegerea şi ameliorarea problematicii psihosociale... [Abstract]