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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 1

Revista de Asistență Socială: 1 / 2012

Florin Lazăr
Editorial: Asistenţa socială internaţională sau dincolo de graniţe [International social work or beyond borders]

Anul 2012 a debutat cu proteste de stradă (şi) în România. Fără a avea o motivaţie politică explicită, pornite sub pretextul demisiei unui se... [Abstract]
Florin Lazăr
Editorial: International social work or beyond borders

The year 2012 started with street protests (also) in Romania. Without having an explicit political motivation, begun with the occasion of a resignatio... [Abstract]
Elizabeth DePoy, Stephen Gilson
Social Work Practice with Disability: Moving from the Perpetuation of a Client Category to Local through Global Human Rights and Social Justice

Over the past several decades, disability and social work have become increasingly strange bed fellows, in large part due to the espousal of the medic... [Abstract]
Claudia Oşvat
The Social Protection of Children with Disabilities and their Families. A case study of the Bihor county

The issue of disability is a complex one, with multiple implications both for the disabled person and for the members of their family. The great numbe... [Abstract]
Annamaria Campanini, Liz Frost, Staffan Höjer
Educating the New Practitioner: the Building of Professional Identities in European Social Work

This article sets out to consider the tentative findings that have emerged from a comparative pilot study of the value given to their social work educ... [Abstract]
Mihai Ion Micle, Gabriel Oancea, Doina Ştefana Săucan
Tehnici cognitiv-comportamentale în reabilitarea infractorilor [Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques in the Rehabilitation of Offenders]

Introduction of cognitive-behavioral approaches in the practice of correctional services has opened new perspectives for the rehabilitation of offende... [Abstract]
Valeria Guliman
Supervizarea clinică şi burnout-ul în asistenţa persoanelor infectate HIV/SIDA [Clinical Supervizing and the Burnout in Assisting the Persons Infected with HIV/AIDS]

From what we know in clinical practice, supervision is either missing or, where it exists; it is inefficient, being assimilated to the bureaucratic co... [Abstract]
Daniela Sîrghie
Îngrijitoarele de bătrâni din Italia – între normalitate şi tulburare mintală sau „Sindromul Italia” [The Romanian Caregivers in Italy on the Edge of Mental Illness. The „Syndrome of Italy” ]

The present work throws light upon a complicated matter: the social and psychological condition of the Romanian women who choose the way of migration... [Abstract]
Roxana Mureşan
Vârsta a treia între autonomie şi vulnerabilitate [The Third Age Between Autonomy and Vulnerability ]

In the contemporary world, because of the aging of the population, the diminution of the weight of the active population and of the contributors, the ... [Abstract]
Adrian Daniel Subaşu
Reinserţia socială a vârstnicilor: o provocare pentru lumea contemporană [Social Rehabilitation of the Elderly: a Challenge for the Contemporary World ]

The current article is aimed at highlighting the general aspects of the relationship between the ageing process and non-formal education. The global c... [Abstract]
Stephen J. Cutler
Long-term Implications for Widowhood of Romania’s Decree No. 770 [Long-term Implications for Widowhood of Romanias Decree No. 770]

Romania’s Decree No. 770, issued in 1966 with little warning and banning most abortions, had the effect of creating a sudden and dramatic, but short... [Abstract]
Alin Stănescu, Ecaterina Stativă
Aspecte ale sănătăţii copiilor din România –realităţi şi deziderate [Children’s Health Issues in Romania – Present and Expectations]

Infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator for the health status of child population, being also a global parameter for economical and social de... [Abstract]
Anca Velicu
Violenţa mediatică prin ochii copiilor şi adolescenţilor români [Media Violence Through the Eyes of the Romanian Children and Teenagers]

Starting from the observation that there are two main approaches regarding defining „TV violence”, we set ourselves, in this article, to show what... [Abstract]
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru
Traficul de persoane un fenomen global. Studiu comparativ Romania-Italia [The Human Trafficking a Global Phenomenon. Comparative Study Romania-Italy ]

The human trafficking is a current phenomenon which is undergoing continuous transformation and rapid expansion while it is affecting countries and co... [Abstract]
Petru Ştefăroi
Paradigma umanistă a asistenţei sociale sau scurtă introducere în asistenţa socială umanistă [Humanistic Paradigm of Social Work or Brief Introduction in Humanistic Social Work ]

Fundamental humanistic values and categories as human rights, social justice, human complexity, self-determination of person, personality, socio-human... [Abstract]
Elena Iulia Mardare
Book Review: Aspecte psihosociale ale bolilor tumorale. Evaluare şi intervenţie [Book Review: Psychosocial aspects of cancer diseases. Assessment and intervention ]

Degi Csaba, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011 Încep prin a mărturisi că înţelegerea şi ameliorarea problematicii psihosociale... [Abstract]

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