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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2011 > Numar: 1

Revista de Asistență Socială: 1 / 2011

Doru Buzducea
Editorial: Asistenţa socială internaţională

Interdependenţa globală actuală a creat deopotrivă noi arii de responsabilitate şi oportunităţi internaţionale pentru asistenţa socială (Dom... [Abstract]
Doru Buzducea
Editorial: International Social Work

The current global interdependence has created new areas of responsibility, but also new international opportunities for the social work (Dominelli, 2... [Abstract]
Malcolm Payne
Risk, Security and Resilience Work in Social Work Practice

This paper raises questions about risk work in social work practice: its aims conflict and sources of concern about risk need to be balanced in practi... [Abstract]
Bill Jordan
Individualism and Social Work: The Case of the Third Way in the UK

Although individual liberty is a fundamental condition for ethical social work, the forms of individualism associated with market-based societies can ... [Abstract]
Bradford W. Sheafor
Measuring Effectiveness in Direct Social Work Practice

In many parts of the world social workers are increasingly expected to provide documentation of the effectiveness of their services. One useful appro... [Abstract]
Judit Kozma
Developing Professional Standards for Social Services

This paper is about developing professional standards of personal social services. Professional standards are to serve as a basis for promoting qualit... [Abstract]
Stephen J. Cutler, Lynne G. Hodgson
Genetics, Family Dynamics and Well-Being

As our understanding of human genetics increases, social workers and family gerontologists would do well to take into account the role of genetic lega... [Abstract]
Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz, Holly Bell, Diana M. DiNitto, Shetal Vohra-Gupta, Diane McDaniel Rhodes
The Prevalence of Sexual Assault: Evidence for Social Work Education and Practice

Sexual assault is a major social problem that requires well-informed, empirically grounded policy and practice responses. This study was conducted to ... [Abstract]
Christian Stark
Participation in Social Work Possibilities and Limitations of Participation of Services Users Using the Example of Homeless People

The article describes the possibilities and limitations of the participation of service users using the example of homelessness. Participation is defi... [Abstract]
Ramona Stone, Robin C. Vanderpool, Anita P. Barbee, Dana Patrick
Quality of Life in Clarksdale Public Housing Before HOPE VI

This study is the second article in a series of three papers. While the first introduced the readers to the public housing policies in the United Stat... [Abstract]
Cristian Vlădescu
Dezvoltarea politicilor de sănătate în România: Raportul Comisiei Prezidenţiale [Development of the Health Policies in Romania: The Report of the Presidential Commission on Public Health in Romania]

As a consequence of the accession to the European Union (EU), the health status and the health services from the other EU Member States became the ref... [Abstract]
Kalliope Silberberg, Viorica Dumitru, Bogdan Korbuly, Teodor Mircea Alexiu
Comportamentul alimentar al părinţilor şi elevilor timişoreni de clasa a VI-a, în anul şcolar 2008-2009 [Food Habits of the 6th grade Children and their Parents from Timisoara, in the School Year 2008-2009]

Nowadays, morbid obesity in children is perceived as parental neglect. Obesity is a risk factor for several diseases, including cardiovascular disease... [Abstract]
Vasile Gheţău
Câţi ani ar putea trăi un român pensionat în anul 2009? [How many years could live a Romanian retired in 2009?]

Standard retirement age is going to increase in Romania during the next two decades following the general trends of EU countries. Unrealistic figures ... [Abstract]
Raluca Popescu, Georgiana Toth
Imigranţii din Romania – nevoi, probleme şi oportunităţi de integrare [Immigrants in Romania – Needs, Problems and Opportunities for Integration]

The present study deals with immigration issues by investigating a particular category of immigrants, with the formal name of third country nationals,... [Abstract]
Georgiana-Cristina Rentea (Anton)
Aspecte privind integrarea femeilor cu o formă de protecţie pe piaţa forţei de muncă din România [Aspects Concerning the Integration of Women Granted a form of Protection on the Romanian Labor Market]

This paper examines one of the integration dimensions, the economical one, concerning the women granted a form of protection in Romania. Highlight is ... [Abstract]
Ana Muntean
Copilul şi violenţa în lumea contemporană [Children and Violence in Today’s World]

The article is focused on the concept of violence, specifically on the violence against children. Starting with theoretical considerations regarding t... [Abstract]
Petre Anghel
Comunicarea în asistenţă socială, între emitere şi ascultare [Communication in Social Work – Between Emission and Listening]

The study highlights the importance of communication in human inter-relation process and it especially deals with the conflicts that might occur due t... [Abstract]
Darie Cristea
Despre studiile de securitate şi asistenţa socială. Premisele internaţionale ale securităţii umane [On Security Studies and Social Work. International Layers of Human Security]

The theory of international relations as well as the theory and practice of social work owe much to the concept of "security". "Security" is a fundame... [Abstract]
Mark Doel
Book review: Jonathan Parker Effective Practice Learning in Social Work (2nd edition) published by Learning Matters, Exeter, UK, 158p

The significance of practice learning is increasingly being recognised. In the United Kingdom it occupies a full 50% of the curriculum for social work... [Abstract]
Doru Buzducea
Book review: Florin Lazăr Introducere în politici sociale comparate. Analiza sistemelor de asistenţă socială Iaşi: Editura Polirom [Introduction to Comparative Social Policy. Analysis of Social Work Systems]

Autorul şi-a propus să prezinte politicile sociale din perspectivă comparativă şi a reuşit în mod magistral acest lucru. Lucrarea este bine str... [Abstract]
Daniela Niţă
Book review: Marian Preda (coordonator) Riscuri şi inechităţi sociale în România [Risks and Social Inequites in Romania] Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2010

Comisia Prezidenţială pentru Analiza Riscurilor Sociale şi Demografice înfiinţată în ianuarie 2009 în cadrul Administraţiei Prezidenţiale, a... [Abstract]

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