Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 - 5 / 2002
Cătălin Zamfir
How many Roma people are there?
To ask such a question requires an immediate explanation without which the answer might be illegitimate. In the modern societies the ethnic belongin... [
Ioan Mărginean,
Ana Maria Preoteasa,
Iuliana Precupeţu,
Sorin Cace
Researches regarding the Roma minority
The research regarding the ethnic groups in Romania from the first half of the 20th century has included Roma population in a small portion. In the ... [
Sorin Cace
Work for Roma Children
The Quality Report on social-cultural and psychological characterizes and life conditions for Roma children and their families, was initiated in the... [
Mariana Celac,
Marius Marcu Lapădat,
Iosif Kiraly
Palaces with towers
Those who travelled in the last years by the southern plain of Bucharest towards Slobozia, Alexandria, Giurgiu or Craiova noticed that aluminium roo... [
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