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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2009 > Numar: 3 - 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 3 - 4 / 2009

The Editorial Board

Dragi cititori, Anul 2009 marchează pentru Revista de Asistenţă Socială, editată de Facultatea de Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială din ca... [Abstract]
The Editorial Board

Dear readers, The year 2009 marks for the Social Work Review, the journal edited by the Sociology and Social Work Faculty - University of Buchares... [Abstract]
Eugen Blaga, Liana-Ramona Moştenescu
Problematica socială generată de munca fără forme legale (Social issues caused by work without legal forms)

The undeclared work is known under several names and indicates “all types of payed work but which is not declared to the authorities”. This mean... [Abstract]
Corneliu Dragomir
Direcţii ale educaţiei adulţilor în “fenomenul Murani-Pişchia” (Directions of Adult Education in "Murani-Pischia phenomenon”)

In this paper, I proposed to analyze an extraordinary phenomenon: the professional reconversion and its dimension in the occupational class of profe... [Abstract]
Kevin Haines, Stephen Case
Putting children first in Wales: The evaluation of Extending Entitlement

The positive perceptions of children and young people articulated within European youth strategies and the constructive and inclusionary practices t... [Abstract]
Simona-Florina Marica
Fenomenul “Singur acasă“ la nivelul comunei Valea Danului, judeţul Argeş ("Home Alone" phenomenon in the Valley Danului from Arges county)

During the recent years, Romania has faced a numeric explosion of Romanians who work abroad. In this article, I intend to approach the migration pheno... [Abstract]
Teodor Mircea Alexiu
Calitatea Vieţii Persoanelor cu Dizabilităţi. Un model de cercetare calitativă în asistenţa socială (The quality of life of people with disabilities)

The present study has been commissioned by INCLUSION INTERNATIONAL and financed by SIDA (the Swedish International Development Agency). The aim of the... [Abstract]
Daniela Niţă
Persoanele vârstnice: perspectivă psihosocială (Older people - social perspective)

What does ageing mean? What are the changes and transformations that a person suffers while faced with this irreversible process? What are the speci... [Abstract]
Adrian Nicolae Dan
Excluziunea de la locuire a populaţiei de romi (Exclusion from the housing of the Roma population)

The study attempt to describe the housing situation of Roma population in Romania, both in general terms and also in details. The study has both a d... [Abstract]
Alina Bocai, Cătălina Iliuţă, Marian Ursan, Mihail Corciova
Application of Respondent Driven Sampling to collect baseline data on injecting drug users for HIV risk reduction interventions in Bucharest, Romania

One of the challenges in studying HIV risk behaviors and developing prevention interventions among most-at-risk populations, such as injecting drug ... [Abstract]
Eduard Petrescu
Sexul comercial în România - o problemă socială care are nevoie de soluţii sociale (Commercial sex - a problem which needs social solutions)

Commercial sex is quite a spread phenomenon in Romania but the discussion around it is less based on objective data and evidence. The subject turned... [Abstract]
Alina Anghel
Traficul de fiinţe umane - precizări conceptuale (Human trafficking: conceptual clarifications)

The concept of human trafficking implies a complex variety of definitions which derives from the way the researchers involved in studying the phenom... [Abstract]
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru
Victimele traficului de fiinţe umane (Victims of human trafficking)

An underground phenomenon of global dimensions, responsible for causing million of human dramas, the human trafficking recorded a constant increase,... [Abstract]
Georgiana Virginia Bonea
Femeia - victimă a violenţei domestice în România (The woman - a victim of domestic violence in Romania)

The domestic violence is quite a spreaded phenomenon in Romania, and the registered number is lower than the actual number of victims. The domestic ... [Abstract]
Oxana Andrei (Sargarovski)
Climatul familial şi definiţiile valorice elaborate de minorul delincvent în actul infracţional (Family environment and value definitions developed by juvenile offenders in the criminal act)

The essence of the youth socializing process consists in the ability to adjust to the impersonal exigencies of social life and in the motivated part... [Abstract]
Ioan Durnescu
Despre suferinţele probaţiunii (Pains of probation)

The current article presents partial findings of an IDEI research conducted in 2008: ‘Behavioural rehabilitation of offenders. Client-probation co... [Abstract]
Claudia Oprea-Popa
Elemente de drept roman în documente privind protecţia drepturilor omului. (Roman Law Constituents in Human Rights Protection Documents)

This article is designed to introduce the main institutions of law within an overall context of social workers’ professional activities. First, as... [Abstract]
Daniela Niţă
Book Review: Simona Ioana Bodogai, Protecţia socială a persoanelor vârstnice, Oradea: Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2009

Apărută la Editura Universităţii din Oradea în anul 2009, lucrarea Protecţia socială a persoanelor vârstnice scrisă de Simona Ioana Bodogai c... [Abstract]
Gabriel Oancea
Book Review: Anamaria Szabo, Perspective ale dezvoltării probaţiunii în România - raport de cercetare, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009

Cercetarea Anei Szabo este o premieră în peisajul cercetării sociologice din România, fiind focalizată pe analiza perspectivelor unei instituţii... [Abstract]
Mirela Boteanu
Book Review: Maria Voinea, Iulian Apostu, Familia şi şcoala în impas?, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2008

Un volum pe o temă de strictă actualitate, Familia şi şcoala în impas?, publicat sub semnătura a doi specialişti în domeniu, Maria Voinea şi ... [Abstract]

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