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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2008 > Numar: 3 - 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 3 - 4 / 2008

Elena Zamfir
Political Mimesis, Change Quality and Moral Values in Education

The theme of relation between the political system and the changes of educational policies is highly interesting from theoretical and practical poin... [Abstract]
Şerban Olah, Sergiu Bălţătescu
Social Needs and Social Services for Roma Communities. Qualitative Study in Oradea

In this paper are analyzed the needs and the social services of the Roma community from the city of Oradea. First part of the article is a theoretic... [Abstract]
Simona Bodogai
Analysis of Elderly Needs from Bihor County and Proposals for Specific Social Services

One of the weaknesses that can be attributed as systematic to the services for the elderly is the fact that the needs of this population are superfi... [Abstract]
Maria Bulgaru
Social Work Education in Republic of Moldova: Achievements and Issues

Nowadays, social work has become one of the conditions for a good democratic society, due to the fact that it represents a specific model of social ... [Abstract]
Diana Cheianu-Andrei
Early Intervention Regarding Children With Disabilities – A New Activity Area for Social Workers in Republic of Moldova

The early intervention encloses services and support for the young child and his family, and the target of early intervention programs is to contrib... [Abstract]
Stela Milicenco
Communication – Determining Factor in Establishing Participative Social Relationships in Social Work

Human communication constitutes a complex phenomenon in all circumstances. Within the relation with social work it gets special valence which are de... [Abstract]
Oleg Bulgaru, Vadim Pistrinciuc
Creating National Social Work Network at Community Level in Republic of Moldova

Social protection system is one of the most reformed areas of social policies in Republic of Moldova. Constituting a major component of social work ... [Abstract]
Valentina Priţcan
Social Worker Involvement in Preventing Child Abandonment

The transformation process initiated in Republic of Moldova in the early 90’s was accompanied by economic crisis which was prolonged with negative... [Abstract]
Flavia Iosub
European Perspectives Regarding Social Protection for Children with Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder, characterized mainly by difficulties with communication, social interaction and imagination, together with repet... [Abstract]
Ecaterina Didiţel
Population Ageing Phenomenon and International Implications Regarding Social Protection Improvement for Elderly People

The aging population has begun to be perceived and accepted as a phenomenon with social implications since 1980. Based on surveys towards understand... [Abstract]
Ivan Aurelia Georgiana
Balance between Work and Personal Life in Romania – Causes, Effects and Tendencies

The equilibrium between life and work is a major component in quality of work and, in general, a quality of life. This theme is less studied in Roma... [Abstract]
Georgiana Virginia Bonea
Child Abuse in Romania – Causality and Typology

Child abuse is a problem with manifold negative effects in the present, but in the future too. The child cannot understand why is being abused, he c... [Abstract]
Gabriela Dinu-Teodorescu
Theoretical Considerations Regarding Applicability of „Emotional Intelligence” Concept in Organizations

The article defines and characterizes the concept of emotional intelligence, its applicability in organizations, in processes and activities like pr... [Abstract]
Astrid Hamberger
Integration of Immigrants

This article tackles the concept of “immigrant integration” as it is analyzed by different authors in the international migration field. The art... [Abstract]
Adriana Baboi
Social Programs Evaluation. Evaluator’s Role

The evaluation is one of the most important phases of any social development process. Social programs evaluation integrates knowledge provided by ot... [Abstract]

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