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Revista de Asistență Socială: 1 / 2010

Florin Lazăr
Editorial nr. 1/2010

Pentru asistenţa socială din România, anul 2010 marchează împlinirea a 20 de ani de când educaţia la nivel universitar în domeniu a fost relua... [Abstract]
Florin Lazăr
Editorial no 1/2010

The year 2010 marks for Romanian social work 20 years since university level social work education started again. At European level, 2010 is The Europ... [Abstract]
Christian Stark
The Neoliberal Ideology and the Challenges for Social Work Ethics and Practice

The article shows the influence of neoliberalism on social work and tries to give answers following the IFSW code of ethics (4.2. social justice - c... [Abstract]
Rebecca T. Davis
Constructing a Profession of Social Work: The Role of Social Work Supervision

The growth of social work education and practice opportunities in family and community-based care models has occurred rapidly in the countries of th... [Abstract]
Doru Buzducea
Social Work in the New Millennium: a Global Perspective

The present study is an invitation to reflection regarding the social work profession in the context of the recent evolutions and changes at the int... [Abstract]
Constance A. Barlow , Michael Klassen , Karen Schwartz, Linda Kreitzer , Susanne Lichtmannegger, Marie Lacroix , Laurie McDonald , Tarja Orjasniemi
EU - Canada Social Work Practicum Exchange: An EU Perspective of Opportunities and Challenges

This article is based on the evaluation of “The Displaced Person Project: An EU-Canada Social Work Practicum Exchange” from 2004-2009 that invo... [Abstract]
Keith N. Haley
Wired and Tired: the cool and the agony of teaching online

Online education is no longer an experiment in higher education course delivery, but a major and expanding means of providing educational access to ... [Abstract]
Ana Rădulescu
Learning opportunities in building the professional competences in social work intervention

The pure description of knowledge and skills does not fully reflect the competence of social workers based on practical experience. In practice the ... [Abstract]
Mirela Boteanu
Communication and Social Environment

Social environment has a great impact on human being and by communicating one can feel accepted and understood. In discussing the impact communicati... [Abstract]
Cosmin Goian
Zece categorii de inconsecvenţe semantice prezente în limbajul asistenţei sociale din spaţiul românesc [Ten Categories of Inconsequentialities from the Romanian Social Work Language]

In its diachronic evolution, the language used in social work field, transferred from its archaic forms and spiritual orthodox influence, into a lan... [Abstract]
Florian Sălăjeanu
Misiunea Colegiului Naţional al Asistenţilor Sociali Avem nevoie de reglementarea profesiei de asistent social în România? [The Mission of National College of Social Workers. Do We Need the Regula

In Romania, everybody talks about Social Work, starting with officials of the Labor Ministry to village mayors, but there is hardly any or no talk a... [Abstract]
Livius Manea
Opţiunea privatizării serviciilor sociale [The Option of Privatizing of Social Services]

The article approaches a theme which was intensely debated during the last couple of decades: the privatization of social services as a means for insu... [Abstract]
Nadia Baghdadi, Mathias Lindenau, Ruedi von Fischer 
Can Social Work Influence Political Decision-Making Processes? An Essay

This essay performs a cursory analysis of the question whether social work possesses a political character, and examines how far it is a political act... [Abstract]
Fergus McNeill, Denis Bracken, Alan Clarke
Social Work, Criminal Justice and their Reconfiguring Relationships

This paper aims to explore the reconfiguring relationships between social work and criminal justice, focusing mainly on developments in Anglophone jur... [Abstract]
Anamaria Szabo
De la justiţie restaurativă la practici restaurative: aplicabilitate în sfera asistenţei sociale [From Restorative Justice to Restorative Practices: Applicability in the Field of Social Work]

The restorative field developed rapidly in the past decades, first as practice, afterwards as theory. More and more we are witnessing restorative prac... [Abstract]
Mihaela Cozărescu
Pedagogia socială – un domeniu în evoluţie în România [Social Pedagogy – A Field in Evolution in Romania]

This article is a general overview on the social work, its training and professionalizing in the European context and in Romania, as well as on the pr... [Abstract]
Mariana Oancea
The Evidence of Evidence-Based Social Work

The article will define terms and critical issues in evidence based medicine, introducing professionals to the language and importance of evidence-bas... [Abstract]
Daniela Moldovan, Simona Cîmpean
Percepţia elevilor despre violenţa din mediul şcolar [Pupils ‘perception on the Violence in Schools]

Nowadays, violence is a matter of great concern in many countries. We can take control over this phenomenon only by being aware of its causes, origins... [Abstract]
Raluca Zanca
Aspecte ale constituirii familiei rome -Studiu de caz: comunitatea Gîrcin, judeţul Braşov [Psychosocial Aspects in Building Romma Families]

Formation of Roma families have special characteristics, generated and marked by specific psychosocial issues to this category. The present paper aims... [Abstract]
Cătălin Luca, Alexandru-Stelian Gulei, Niculina Karacsony, Oana Lăcustă
Copiii lipsiţi de îngrijirea părinţilor plecaţi la muncă în străinătate: analiza cadrului legislativ [Children without the Care of Parents Working Abroad: Analysis of Legislative Framework]

The European legal framework on the issue of the children not attended by their parents gone to work abroad is very new, and it is mainly comprised of... [Abstract]
Theodora Ene
Book review: Doru Buzducea, Sisteme moderne de asistenţă socială. Tendinţe globale şi practici locale (Modern social work. Global Trends and Local Practices), Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2009

Apărută în anul 2009 la Editura Polirom, cartea se adresează atât studenţilor din domeniul asistenţei sociale, cât şi profesioniştilor sau p... [Abstract]
Cătălin Ionete
Book review: Ioan Durnescu, Asistenţa socială în penitenciar (Social Work in Prison), Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2009

Asistenţa socială din România încă se află în faza de expansiune, o fază în care se caută să se cucerească noi teritorii sau să se consol... [Abstract]
Doina Balahur
Book review: Mona-Maria Pivniceru, Cătălin Luca, Ghid de audiere a copilului în proceduri judiciare (Child Hearing Guide in Judiciary Procedures) Bucureşti: Editura Hamangiu, 2009

Lucrarea intitulată reprezintă un îndrumar interdisciplinar de natură a diferenţia în cadrul juridic existent conduita persoanelor care instrume... [Abstract]

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