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Home > Arhiva > 2019 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2019

Nicoleta Neamţu, Mădălina Hideg
Editorial: Provocări ale practicii în asistența socială

Practica în asistența socială este cunoscută ca fiind o intervenție dirijată, menită să determine o schimbare planificată la nivelul persoane... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Neamţu, Mădălina Hideg
Editorial: The Challenges of Social Work Practice

Social work practice is known as professionally guided intervention designed to bring planned change in: persons, families, groups, organizations/ i... [Abstract]
Elizabeth Lightfoot , Jessica Toft
The Grand Challenges as a Macro Practice Approach for Social Workers to Address Societal Problems

While macro practice activities are core to social work, macro practice has been deemphasized in recent decades in many countries. Efforts to elevate ... [Abstract]
Codrina Csesznek , Marinela Şimon
The Profile of Social Services Workers Employed by the Local Councils and their Perception over the Job of a Social Worker An Exploratory Research in Braşov County

In this article we will present the results of an exploratory research on the professional identity of social workers in Braşov county. We conducted ... [Abstract]
Gheorghiţa Nistor
Social Policies for the Prevention of Pathological AlcoholConsumption. Empirical Research on Prevention and Action Services

Effective social policies in the field of preventing and combating harmful alcohol consumption should propose a series of objective measures, starting... [Abstract]
Anca Mureşan
Indicatori de reuşită în cazul tinerilor care au părăsit sistemul de protecţie a copilului în România în perioada 1976-2018 [Indicators of Success for Young People who have Left the Child Protection System in Romania Between 1976-2018]

The child protection system is still one of the major challenges in the legislative field, case management, specialized practices involved, interdisci... [Abstract]
Alecsandra Irimie-Ana, Poliana Ştefănescu, Luminiţa Mihai
Despre bullying – în şcoală sau în familie? [About Bullying – Should we Focus on the Family or School?]

ullying is a complex social phenomenon whose resolution requires an adequate understanding of its multifactorial etiology as well as a macro-practice ... [Abstract]
Ramona Pura
Modele de practică, roluri şi standarde profesionale în asistenţa socială şcolară,în contextul european actual [Practice Models, Roles and Professional Standards of School Social Work in the Current European Context]

School social work is a growing specialty worldwide and this tendency can be noticed in Europe, too. At this moment, all over the world, there are cur... [Abstract]
Remus Runcan , Nicoleta Grămadă
Migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe: Negative Effects on Mothers and Daughters

This study examines the negative effects of the phenomenon of migration on daughters and mothers. The study was conducted in 2018 in the village of Br... [Abstract]
Corina Voicu
Children’s Outlook on Violence and Help

For this research, the data collection process was based on the questionnaire used by an international research conducted by The Queens University Bel... [Abstract]

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