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Home > Arhiva > 2018 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2018

Nicoleta Neamţu, Maria Carmen Pantea
Editorial: Nivele ale practicii în asistenţa socială şi eficacitatea acestora

Practica de asistenţă socială are loc la diferite niveluri: la nivel individual, familial, de grup, organizaţional, comunitar şi la nivel societa... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Neamţu, Maria Carmen Pantea
Editorial: Levels of Social Work Practice and their Effectiveness

Social Work Practice takes place at different levels: from individual-level, to family, small groups, organizations, community and societal level. Esp... [Abstract]
Ruth Mampane, Funke Omidire
The Role of Community Care Workers and the Coping Strategies they Adopt in High-Risk Contexts

The role of community care workers in ensuring the stability of vulnerable families cannot be underestimated. The extent of their responsibilities oft... [Abstract]
Paula Miranda , Liliana Guerra , Magdalena Calderón-Orellana, Rayen Cornejo
Organisational Social Work in Chile Contributions of the Social Work Journal of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The article aims at doing a historical review based on the way in which social work has been conceptualised and linked to the organisational field. Th... [Abstract]
Adriana Florentina Călăuz
Supervizarea în serviciile sociale care activează împotriva violenţei domestice [Supervizion in Social Services that Act Against Domestic Violence]

The supervision is applied to all the social activities. This study try to analyze the ways in which supervision is done in social services dealing wi... [Abstract]
Gonzague Isirabahenda (Gonis)
Students' Views on Women’s Leadership in Social Services: A Qualitative Analysis in Romania and the Czech Republic

Gender-sensitive interventions are more effective, yet, highly dependent on women’s capacity to exert influence in social work decisions. Yet, despi... [Abstract]
Oana-Elena Rădăcină
Asistenţa socială în era digitală: practici şi intervenţii bazate pe tehnologie [Social Work in the Digital Era: Technology Based Practices and Interventions]

The article aims to highlight the main changes made by technology in the practices of social work. There are different types of technology based inter... [Abstract]
Elisaveta Drăghici
Corelaţii teoretico-practice în procesul de evaluare iniţială a tinerilor privaţi de libertate [heoretical and Practical Correlations in the Initial Assessment Process of Young People Deprived of their Liberty]

The intervention in social work is carried out using a specific methodology based on the specialized literature. The first step in the assisting proce... [Abstract]
Petru Ştefăroi
Rolul filosofiei în formarea profesională şi a eficacităţii intervenţiei asistentului social [The Role of Philosophy in the Professional Formation and Effectiveness of the Social Worker's Intervention]

What primarily brings philosophy into social work theory is the maximal level of analysis, the integrative, transdisciplinary and holistic perspective... [Abstract]
Corina Ilinca, Stephen J. Cutler
Self-Rated Hearing and Self-Rated Memory II: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of SHARE Data from 18 European Nations

Purpose: Recent work indicates a connection between hearing loss and dementia. Our prior research has added to this by showing strong relationships be... [Abstract]
Claudiu Ştefani
Criminalitatea şi controlul consumului de alcool şi droguri, abordări şi tendinţe internaţionale [Crime and Alcohol and Drug Control, International Approaches and Trends]

Alcohol and drug control strategies are on the international public agenda. The objective of this paper is to invent and critically evaluate the effec... [Abstract]
Cristina Gavriluta
Pledoarie pentru o sociologie deschisă Gândire critică şi dezvoltare durabilă [A Plea for an Open Sociology Critical Thinking and Sustainable Development]

Ion I. Ionescu (autor),Cluj: Limes, 2018, 339 pagini Gândire critică şi dezvoltare durabilă este un nou volum de sociologie pe care profesorul ... [Abstract]

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