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Home > Arhiva > 2017 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2017

Cristina Faludi , Sue Kay-Flowers

The theme of sexuality has remarkable importance to each of us as individuals in our personal lives, as well as in our professional roles as researche... [Abstract]
Cristina Faludi , Sue Kay-Flowers

Tema sexualităţii are o importanţă deosebită pentru fiecare dintre noi, atât în viaţa personală, cât şi în cea profesională, dacă ne ref... [Abstract]
Alessandra Alloni, Maria Rosaria Centrone, Francesca Viola
Yes to Sexuality Education at School: Exploring the voices of Italian Adolescents

Italy is one of the few European Union countries where the teaching of sexuality education is not included in the school curriculum, even if in the pa... [Abstract]
Gonzague Isirabahenda (Gonis)
Young People’s Understanding of Sexual Health and Sexuality: Exploration of the Situation in Rwanda

Globalization simultaneously has positive and negative impacts on almost all economic, political and social levels. Among the negative effects facilit... [Abstract]
Diana Percă
Exploration of Young Adults’ Attitudes Towards their First Sexual Experience in Romania

Using a qualitative research approach, this study aimed to increase understanding of the context in which first sexual intercourse takes place among R... [Abstract]
Simona Angheloiu
Psychosocial and Medical Intervention for HIV Infected Persons: a Case Study Involving a Family who Benefitted from the Services Provided by the Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases Cluj-Napoca

For more than 30 years, HIV infection has been one of the most serious diseases with a tremendous emotional, psychological, medical, social, economic ... [Abstract]
Cristina Faludi , Gilda-Alexandrina Moldovan
Atitudini, stereotipuri şi mituri despre sexualitate în rândul adolescenţilor români [Attitudes, Stereotypes and Myths about Sexuality among Romanian Adolescents]

Adolescents’ attitudes, stereotypes, and myths about sexuality can lead to the emergence of risk behaviours that increase adolescents’ vulnerabili... [Abstract]
Diana-Helamia Mihali
Diferenţe de gen în Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai [Gender Differences in Babes-Bolyai University]

The following research focuses on gender differences and different treatments that Babes-Bolyai University students have encountered in their facultie... [Abstract]
Oana Rotărescu
The Experience of Motherhood for Five Female Clients in Recovery from Drug Addiction

The present study investigates the experience of motherhood as described by five participants in a drug rehabilitation programmes.Thematic Analysis (T... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Neamţu, Victoria But
Evaluarea eficacităţii unui serviciu de îngrijire la domiciliu a vârstnicilor folosind modelul logic [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Home-Based Social Program for the Elderly Using Logic Model]

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a home-based social program for the elderly using logic model. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance... [Abstract]

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