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Home > Arhiva > 2011 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2011

Mircea Alexiu

Tematica anunţată pentru acest număr aşa cum a apărut în “apelul pentru lucrări” era educaţia/formarea asistenţilor sociali. Am propus o ... [Abstract]
Mircea Alexiu

The topic planned for this issue, as it was announced in the ‘’Call for Papers” was education and training in Social Work. We proposed a debate ... [Abstract]
Francisco Branco , Maria Inês Amaro
Social Work Active Practices within the New Social Policy Trends: a Portuguese Perspective

The institution of public policy schemes and the bureaucratization of social policy systems provided the historical structural context for the consoli... [Abstract]
Samantha Wehbi
Key Theoretical Concepts for Teaching International Social Work

This paper discusses the internationalization of social work education with a focus on theoretical concepts that could guide teaching practices. The p... [Abstract]
Martin Gill
Educating the Professional Social Worker: Challenges and Prospects

Changing organisational contexts and priorities will always have implications for social work education. From the emergence of the new profession, soc... [Abstract]
Shirley Gatenio Gabel, Sheila B. Kamerman
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs): A Child Policy Strategy in Asia

A new social policy tool emerged a little more than a decade in Latin America and in Asia that brought immediate relief in the form of cash to poor fa... [Abstract]
Florentina Scârneci
Rolul cercetării calitative în asistenţa socială [The Qualitative Research Role in Social Work]

The article presents the importance of doing social research in social work field. There are enumerated types of research (insisting more on qualitati... [Abstract]
Monica Ghiţiu, Ana Mago-Maghiar
Field Instructors on Key Issues in Social Work Education: A Comparative Approach

Fieldwork practicum and international fieldwork practice are intensely debated in academic journals of social work. In this article the authors adopt ... [Abstract]
Theofild-Andrei Lazăr , Elena-Loreni Baciu
Skills Supply and Skills Demand Among Youth: Object of Concern or Object of Hope?

In the last decades, the world has known an increased demand for professional and high-level technical skills, but at the same time, due to the growth... [Abstract]
Filip Guttman
Perspective de viitor şi atitudinea faţă de educaţia persoanelor cu deficienţe de vedere [Future Perspectives and Attitude Toward Education for Visually Impaired Persons]

This paper is the result of a research that investigate how the accessibility of higher education is perceived by people with visual impairments and w... [Abstract]
Patricia Luciana Runcan , Adriana Florentina Călăuz
Supervizarea, formă de formare continuă în domeniul asistenţei sociale [Supervision, Form of Continuing Education in Social Work]

In a society caracterized by an accelerated momentum, appears more and more evident professionals need to receive continuous training. These conditio... [Abstract]
Maria Marinela Mihăilă
Filiaţia şi formele de protecţie socială a familiei [Filiation and Types of Social Protection of the Family ]

In this study we suggest the correlation between filiation, namely its types – natural filiation (normal), adoptive filiation (civil) and artificial... [Abstract]
Alexandru Neagoe
Practica de specialitate a studenţilor la asistenţă socială în cadrul unor instituţii cu orientare religioasă [The Field Practice of Social Work Students Within Religiously Oriented Institutions]

Starting from the observation that religion and social work meet on the common ground of caring for people in difficulty, the present article aims to ... [Abstract]
Denizia Gal, Klaus Mathes
Education of Skilled Personnel for Working with Dementia Adults European Project

This study represents a synthesis of Leonardo da Vinci pilot project, "ADEM" / 147176/2008 - Community Action Program on vocational training. We chose... [Abstract]
Valentina Rujoiu
Book review: Stresul psihosocial şi boala cardiacă. Analize şi intervenţii Elena Iulia Mardare, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2010

Lucrarea tratează un subiect actual, ancorat în realitatea socială dominată de un flagel din ce în ce mai greu de prevenit, controlat şi elimina... [Abstract]

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