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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 3

Articole de: Sergiu-Lucian Raiu

Nr. 1 / 2024 - Adopţiile efectuate în Romania: dinamică, factori de risc şi măsuri recomandate
Entrustment for adoption (IVA) is a decisive stage in the process of children's adoption. This period lasts 90 days, with the possibility of an extension. With the introduction of the public profile o...
Nr. 2 / 2024 - Feminizarea profesiei de asistent social în România. Studiu privind proporţia femeilor în funcţii de conducere
The study is based on administrative data received from General Directorates of Social Work and Child Protection (DGASPCs) and Directorates of Social Work/ The Departments of Social and Medical Assist...
Nr. 3 / 2024 - Munca asistenţilor sociali din penitenciarele din România în timpul pandemiei Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major changes in the functioning of prison institutions. Both inmates and prison staff have exposed themselves to risks (Gonçalves et al., 2023). Preventive measures ...
Nr. 4 / 2023 - Perspectiva adoptatorilor şi a practicienilor asupra serviciilor pre şi post adopţie în România
Facilitating the integration of the child into the new family environment during the period of entrustment for adoption, respectively during the post-adoption period, the General Directorates of Socia...
