Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
Tema care reunește articolele și studiile din numărul curent al Revistei de Asistență Socială vizează analiza dimensiunilor sociale ale bunăst... [Abstract]
Social capital became one of the most widely used concept in social sciences and interest for it does not seem to diminish. The contemporary meaning o... [Abstract]
Studying wellbeing represent a dynamic mission, especially when it comes to a specific category of population – as students, because the effects of... [Abstract]
The major societal changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic had repercussions on all socioeconomic fields. Along with the health system, the social pr... [Abstract]
Child participation in school environment acquires distinct meanings within the new context generated by Covid-19. Online teaching has led to many unc... [Abstract]
In the context of online school, where children no longer interact, but they are isolated, traditional bullying has moved online and digital aggressio... [Abstract]
European Program for milk distribution started being implemented in Romania from 2002, followed by the European Program of Fruit in schools from 2009-... [Abstract]
The process of modernizing social services aims at the efficiency and effectiveness of their provision to beneficiaries at quality standards imposed a... [Abstract]
The article aims, firstly, to analyze the conceptual framework of resilience, an aspect treated in the theoretical part of the study. Secondly, throug... [Abstract]
The perpetual negative attitudes and perceptions of the young community members towards the older persons signal a gradual degeneration and polarizati... [Abstract]
The article proposes an analysis of micro-intentional and macro-structural actions in the field of long-term care services in Romania, with emphasis o... [Abstract]
The activity groups in senior centers influence health, increase well-being and quality of life. In the pandemic context, when social distancing is re... [Abstract]
The issue of the elderly is a constant concern at the level of international organizations and demographic ageing is a complex phenomenon that primari... [Abstract]
Vulnerable groups were the subject of studies, most often from the perspective of social exclusion generated by deprivation (economic, educational, sk... [Abstract]
Both current and past research have revealed a close correlation between the exponential increase in mental health challenges, such as depression and ... [Abstract]
This study aims to explore the well-being of children with low and moderate intellectual disabilities from the Romanian special education system, whil... [Abstract]
Autism Spectrum Disorders are those complex developmental disorders of a neurobiological, global, pervasive nature that affect the way people communic... [Abstract]
Through this literature review, I set out to identify how the quality of family life is influenced by a diagnosis of autism, and how parents manage to... [Abstract]
Drug use is one of the most harmful phenomena with a devastating impact on the modern society. Although many individuals and organizations are activel... [Abstract]