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Home > Arhiva > 2018 > Numar: 2

Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2018

Conţiu Tiberiu Şoitu, Romeo Asiminei
Editorial: Comunităţi şi Asistenţă Socială [Communities and Social Work]

Tema acestui număr al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială, Comunităţi şi Asistenţă socială, prezintă avantajele şi capcanele ce decurg din apare... [Abstract]
Bianca-Daniela Parepeanu
Tehnici de intervenţie în asistenţa socială [Methods and Techniques of Intervention in Social Work]

The social worker is the person who applies specific methods to help people who are in difficult situations. The social worker is the one who needs to... [Abstract]
Aurel Bahnaru, Patricia Luciana Runcan
Asistenţa socială şi familia în România în sec. al XXI-lea [Social Work and Family in Romania in the 21st Century]

According to the Social Work Law updated in 2017, the national system of social work acts, together with other institutions, “to prevent, limit or e... [Abstract]
Roxana-Mihaela Vasiliu, Adrian Netedu
Inventarul resurselor comunitare şi strategii de culegere a datelor sociale. Studiu de caz în comunitatea urbană ieşeană [The inventory of community resources and strategies for collecting social data. Case study in urban Iasi community]

The evaluation of community resources and social problems is one of the main issues that can be completed for the implementation of successful social ... [Abstract]
Melari Shisha Nongrum
Working with Rural Communities of Meghalaya, India: Implications to Social Work Education

Social work with rural communities in Meghalaya has brought about an understanding of realities that exist. The key issues that have been brought to l... [Abstract]
Ion I. Ionescu
De la nevoia primară la dezvoltarea comunitară [From the Primary Needs to Community Development]

There is a change in the welfare policy, with the promotion of work and the active social state. People in precarious situations have the right to int... [Abstract]
Monica Dascălu , Anda Rodideal, Lavinia Popa
In Romania, Elderly People who Most Need ICT are those who are Less Probable to Use It

In the context of a globally ageing society, information and communication technologies (ICT) have a significant social potential for improving the qu... [Abstract]
Nicu Gavriluţă , Ilarion Mâţă
Practicarea consilierii spirituale în comunitatea persoanelor vârstnice instituţionalizate Studiu aplicativ [Practicing the Spiritual Counseling in the Comunity of the Elderly Institutionalized Applicative study]

The article presents a model of good practice implemented within the socio-medical center in Hârja, Bacau County, in the context of an acute need to ... [Abstract]
Corina Mihaela Mincu , Emanuel Adrian Sârbu
Homeschooling and Socialization in the Romanian Context

In Romania, homeschooling became widely known in September 2016, with the media coverage of two local artists who publicly declared they would withdra... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Afloroaei
Recenzie: Cotidianul dincolo de umbre şi aparenţe [Cotidianul dincolo de umbre şi aparenţe]

Cristina Gavriluţă, Negativul cotidianului, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2017, Iaşi, p. 253, ISBN 978-606-714-371-3 Negati... [Abstract]
Gabriela Alina Anghel
Recenzie: Asistenţa Socială. Compendiu de istorie, teorie şi practică [Social Work. Compendium of history, theory and practice]

Doru Buzducea, Asistenţa Socială. Compendiu de istorie, teorie şi practică, 2017, Iaşi: Polirom, p. 232 Cartea Asistenţa Socială. Compendi... [Abstract]
Maria Alexandrescu
Recenzie: Les sciences sociales et leurs publics. Engagements et distanciations

Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu, Paul Arnault (eds.), Les sciences sociales et leurs publics. Engagements et distanciations, Iaşi: Universităţii ,,Alexandru I... [Abstract]

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