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Home > Arhiva > 2017 > Numar: 2

Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2017

Mihai Iovu, Patricia Luciana Runcan
Editorial Note: Contemporary Challenges to Social Work Education and Communication

Social work education is undergoing considerable changes in Europe like the ageing of populations with both the risk of exclusion from participation i... [Abstract]
Mihai Iovu, Patricia Luciana Runcan
Editorial: Provocări actuale ale formării și comunicării în Asistența Socială

Formarea inițială a asistenților sociali prin intermediul învățământului superior este supusă unor schimbări continue în Europa datorate ma... [Abstract]
Sebastian Kurtenbach, Michel Bosse
Teaching Diversity: Challenges for Social Workers in Ethnically Segregated Neighborhoods, with the Example of Dortmund Nordstadt

European societies have become more ethnically diverse in the last few decades. But ethnic diversity often goes hand in hand with the spatial segregat... [Abstract]
Claudia Varga , Nicoleta Amariei, Mihaela Stânceanu, Ion Copoeru
Learning to Adults in Recovery from Addictions – Innovative Practices at European Level

Although the role of learning in the recovery process has been highlighted there is limited evidence to inform adult learning practice with people in ... [Abstract]
Mihaela Gotea, Diana Cristina Bódi
Development of Professional Skills in Social Work through Programs of Educational and Support Supervision Case study – Hospice ”House of Hope” Braşov

This paper presents theoretical aspects concerning principles, functions, types, models, phases of supervision in social work, as well as practical di... [Abstract]
Dănuţ Sorin Bălăuţă, Luiza Vlaicu
Perceptions of Actors Involved in Social Work Field Placement at the West University of Timisoara

Field placement is an essential component of social work education. The field placement program of the Social Work Department from the West University... [Abstract]
Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Maria Roth
Assessing Students’ Learning in Higher Education. Specificities of the European Master Program in Children’s Rights

Background: The traditional approach to teaching and learning in higher education was to use examinations and essays as primary methods of assessing s... [Abstract]
Felicia Andrioni, Lavinia Elisabeta Popp
Diagnose for the Professional Insertion of Petroşani Social Work Graduates to the Labour Market

Both nationally and internationally the issue of graduates’ professional insertion occupies an important place on the agenda of policies in the high... [Abstract]
Remus Runcan
Psycho-social Risks of Facebook Communication

This study explores the possible effects of Facebook communication on the human psyche and on the way humans relate to other social actors. The study ... [Abstract]
Emil Bartoş
Cum să comunici cu cei care suferă. Câteva lecţii de la C. S. Lewis [How to Communicate with Those Who Suffer. Lessons from C.S. Lewis]

This interdisciplinary study targets the social workers who deal often with those who suffer from various reasons. We know from sociological data that... [Abstract]
Sorina Dumitrache
Trauma vicariantă. Între autoneglijare şi grija de sine a celor care au grijă de alţii [The Vicarious Trauma. Between Self-Neglect and Self-Care of those who Take Care of Others]

The subject of trauma is being more and more under the attention of specialists from the field of social work. The compensating trauma is a topic that... [Abstract]
Gabriela Povian, Patricia Luciana Runcan
Role of Social Workers in Communicating a Positive HIV Test Result and in HIV Pre- and Post-test Counselling

Besides facilitating the development of inter-personal relationships, counselling also supports self-awareness, identification and optimum development... [Abstract]
Sorina Poledna, Doiniţa Grosu
Social Work with Migrants Diakonie Hamburg’s Counseling Center for Eastern European Persons

Reflecting on the experience of the social work practice as highlighted by the present analysis starts from recognizing the role complexity of the soc... [Abstract]
Virgil Dan
An Exhaustive View on Supervision in Social Work: History, Evolution, Current Trends

Supervising professionals in the practice of social work, in particular, and in the professions related to humans in distress, in general, plays a cru... [Abstract]
Adriana Florentina Călăuz
Supervizarea, modalitate de îmbunătăţire a peformanţelor profesionale în asistenţa socială [Supervision, the Method of Improving Professional Performance in Social Work]

Given the circumstances of the fast organizational changes, with influences upon the practice of social work, we are required to elaborate efficient m... [Abstract]
Bogdan Nadolu
Book review: Capcanele Facebook-ului. Comunicarea virtuală şi efectele ei [Book review: Facebook Traps: Impact of Virtual Communication on Human Relationships]

Autor: Dr. Remus Runcan, 2016, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 350 pag Lucrarea de faţă reprezintă o abordare îndrăzneaţă a ... [Abstract]

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